I'm developing a model to understand the dynamics in storage systems. I would like to know what redundancy schemes, repair policies, replace policies, code settings, placement policies and fault-injection distributions you would find relevant based on your everyday experience with RAID systems, cloud storage, personal cloud storage, p2p storage, blockchain-based storage, etc... It could be a particular setting, policy studied in academic work or sth based on realistic settings that you see everyday in real world.

My aim is to develop a simulation model that captures realistic scenarios in order to provide answers to real-world questions. Thus, ask me everything!

Please share.

This work is related to the poster I presented at ACM SIGOPS SATIS, Aug. 2018, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16003.14885

Poster Failure-Repair Dynamics Study over a P2P System with an Enta...

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