In GR there are three physical restrictions prohibiting BHs and reqiuring frozars:
1. Worldlines of particles on the surface are unique and invariant, so if they do not penetrate inside the gravitational radius for distant observers with the cosmological world time, than these worldlined will place outside for all other observers with physically meaningful coordinates also.
2. Any moment of the proper time on the surface before collapse is strictly related by a finite moment of world time - this relation is reqiured by the equations of motion relating both times with the same value of radial coordinate. Since all cosmological world time moments are finite, you can not freely take a moment of proper time AFTER infinite wold time, i.e. the proper time is constrined and processes simply be frozen.
3. As the surface remains be placed outside the gravitational radius for all observers, all worldlines in the collapsing star remain timelike and all internal layers become frozen - there forms frozar (really frozen star). Frozar treatment see in my papers 2006-2012.