Judy’s 3, 4, 5 Protocol
At birth, immediate continuous skin-to-skin contact with the baby is initiated for the first 3½ minutes postpartum. Don’t cut the cord before 3 minutes. The midwife keeps her hands off the fundus.
At 4 minutes the midwife directs the mother into a good deep squat with her bottom almost touching the floor and
her feet flat on the floor or the floor of an empty bathtub, over a low plastic bowl if midwife wishes to measure
blood loss. If the mother has agreed to the cord being cut, the mother hands the baby to someone. The midwife gives verbal encouragement to push. The woman will not feel a contraction – she pushes without feeling a contraction. If the placenta is not delivered by 5 minutes 0 seconds, the midwife helps the cord to come further out by gently pulling it down about 5-15 cm in length in order to reassure the mother and herself that the placenta is very low and all she has to do is push.
The woman is in a low squat while she pushes out the placenta. The time of delivery is noted. Immediately after delivery of the placenta, the mother is helped to put on an absorbent pad and underwear(optional), helped into bed, and immediately given the baby. The uterus is then immediately massaged to check for clots. If blood completely fills an absorbent disposable diaper during the next five minutes,
a shot of either 10 IU Pitocin IM or 0.2 mg methergine IM (intramuscularly), or both is given at 10 minutes postpartum. Early suckling at the breast is initiated, which generally takes place between 10 and 45 minutes postpartum. If a woman has a history of PPH>1000 mL at a previous birth, or if she
is having twins, prophylactic methergine 0.2 cc IM is usually given as soon as the placenta is delivered.