This is a global problem. The contribution that a citizen makes, recycling does not contribute much. But if we all recycle, we take care of, avoiding excesses, we could give more time to the pallet to recover. We have to act all the countries. Human mobility will increase more, due to climatic peaks.
A study can be carried out to determine probabilistically which areas are less affected by a natural extreme event. Those places will be more attractive for a secure settlement.
There are EU's impressive road maps and targets to combat the Climate Change and compensate its consequences.
Also, there are well preparing in Asia, especially Japan, China, India and Korea. I some developing countries, there may be the distributions of that awareness, however, the significant funding and supports are needed.
The impact of Climate Change is now being recognized and several steps are being taken to address it. The key question is are the measures adequate and is the time frames right to avert a catastrophe.
The answer is yes. The first step in a problem is by acknowledging it, which the world has done as this is a global problem as Javier has stated above. The world has acknowledged as evidenced by kyoto protocal and UNFCCC which several countries have signed and started implementing as Za Ya has stated above, but EU is leading for those who have started the process. However balancing economic development, which is the main driver of climate change, and adoptation of climate change mitigation measures is a political challenge