Each university builds its own brand. To promote the university among different segments of stakeholders - yes, I think it's quite specific. But generally it looks like a marketing of services - you may easily analyze the HEI marketing activity through 7Ps model. To acquire new students they use event marketing, social media, digital marketing, referrals, PR in ratings, as well as internal marketing is appropriate for HEIs.
Strategy is situational.It must be centered around making optimal use of the competencies you have to exploit the growth opportunities in your specific external environment and addressing the gaps or factors inhibiting competitiveness and growth in your internal and external environment.Generic strategies or strategies that worked well for other universities may assist for purposes of benchmarking, but they may not work for you if their are not adapted to your own environment.
The university must divide its constituencies into logical groups, based on who they are and the nature of their interests in the school, and communicate with them separately. They same messages will not go to everyone, because different people have different interests, and we want our information to be well-focused to their interests.
Then we must make "promise" to the customer about what we offer them. the "brand promise" must be important, believable, and distinctive.
All universities claim the same kinds of thing -- good instructors, small class size, etc. So OUR university must find things that really DO differentiate us from the competition,and make that the recurring theme in all of our messages.