In communication between V. Zorich and the author, the
question was asked to find examples of harmonic gradient mapping from the unit ball onto itself in 3-space. For example, if $u=x^2 +y^2 - 2 z^2$, then $f=
\nabla u=(2x,2y,-4z)$ is injective harmonic gradient mapping from
$\mathbb{B}^3$ onto the ellipsoid.
If $u$ is real-valued function such that $f= \nabla
u=(x,y,z)$, then $u= x^2/2 +y^2/2 +z^2/2 +c$.
In particular, $Id$ is not harmonic gradient mapping.
In complex plane, if $u$ is real-valued harmonic function, then $u_z=\frac{1}{2}(u'_x -u'_y)$ is analytic function and therefore
$ \nabla u=\overline{F}$, where $F= 2 u_z$ is analytic function.