Though many researchers use video for emotion arousal( stating that they are more effective), i haven't yet seen any available datasets for the same purpose. I am in search for any standard collection. Any help will be highly appreciated.
These are two common databases of videos tagged with emotional data. Not quite specific on the arousal dimension but they could be mapped from the emotions set:
Thanks for answering. But the second link is not found.The pitts university database is not video collection. They seem to be image sequences of recorded facial expressions. That would be based on mirror neuron system, am i right?
The second link works for me right now, (might it have been down when you tried?)
Regarding the Cohn-Kanada dataset, I haven't worked with version 3 but it was supposed to include videos and to be released by last year. You might get more information by contacting them.
I'm not quite sure I understand the last question. For details on how they collected the emotions you can check this article:
Yes it is working now :) Both the datasets are similar in many ways, and hence, unfortunately, different from what i require.
I was in search of normal videos to arouse emotions. Since databases will follow a standard and will be annotated, thought it would be more appropriate for experimental research. But i guess I was right in deducing that none exists.
Thanks for the help anyway, This opened up new ideas for me.