I need to run a quick EEG experiment. I don't want to spend time and money to set my own lab. I wonder if there exist EEG labs that can run an experiment for me for a fee?
Aqui no Brasil precisei fazer uma experiencia também. O que eu fiz foi
ter contato com o proprietário de uma clínica e solicitai o uso da maquina de EEG dele. Explique que era para a pesquisa. Em horário livre, regulamente, (aqui) eles cedem. Veja se consegue.
Dan Nemrodov , The best way is approaching the school hospital or any local public hospital to grant access. It would probably be free, however, they might request some thorough paper works and it will take a few days for ethics committee approval. Its mostly to ensure that the person conducting the tests will maintain anonymity. You may or may not need some permission to release specific information (e.g., this is a benign mass of a 40 years old male test subject), it all depends on the laws set by the hospital and the state it is located at.