These thoughts were inspired by the video “Michio Kaku Breaks Silence on The Terrifying Image By James Webb Telescope That Changes Everything” ( The video’s about the 6 possible galaxies that formed a relatively short time after the alleged Big Bang and are too massive to have formed in such a short time. Therefore, the Big Bang is seriously questioned. Well into the video, it’s asked how did these galaxies and the cosmos come into existence if there was no Big Bang? Before suggesting an answer, I have to wonder if this video represents humanity’s science being on the verge of a dramatic paradigm shift.

We’re accustomed to thinking of the origins of the universe, and of life, as acts of randomness and chance that must be devoid of any hint of intelligent design. This perspective is supported by Charles Darwin’s evolution where proven adaptation of form and function to the environment is extrapolated to account for the origin of life (an extrapolation which is apparently made only because no alternative is provided). It’s also supported by science’s past and current interpretation of quantum mechanics, with its principles of probability and uncertainty. (This writing explains that there is no separateness thus the final paragraph replaces quantum mechanics’ idea of particles being in 2 places at once with the concept of unipositional quantum mechanics.) Many scientists today are thinking this period in history/prehistory should be named the Anthropocene era, to reflect humankind’s influence on the planet we inhabit. Also, consider the recent advent of Information Physics with its belief that the universe is literally composed of information.

Could these indicate that proper interpretation of quantum mechanics disposes of probability and views it as related to Chaos Theory which says there is hidden order in apparent disorder i.e. exactness … precision? Could anthropocentric information physics be related to the movie “Interstellar” too? In the movie, it’s stated that humans will oneday be able to build things they can’t make now. If we take this idea to an extreme, and take “oneday” to mean an indefinite point in the far future, will we do what is obviously regarded as impossible and create the universe?

If we do that, the God of religion will be redefined as the sum total of every person who ever lived, is existing now, or will be born sometime in the future. God would be the total of all humanity in every time – so you can forget any delusions of grandeur, no individual would ever be a god. But you would be able to say, “Man created man in his image”.

For men and women to create men and women in their image, we’d need time travel into the distant and uninhabited past in addition to presently impossible bioengineering and possibly terraforming. Prof. Max Tegmark of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA) hypothesizes in his Mathematical Universe Hypothesis that the physical universe is not merely described by mathematics but is mathematics. His categorization of the universe has four levels, with level 4 being altogether different equations or mathematical structures.

These “altogether different mathematical structures” are, in this article you’re reading, proposed to be two-dimensional Mobius strips that are formed by the binary digits of 1 and 0, and are joined as pairs into figure-8 Klein bottles which are mathematically immersed in the 3rd dimension. Then the photon (the fundamental unit of electromagnetism) and graviton (the hypothetical unit of gravitation) are created by, respectively, trillions of Mobius strips and trillions of figure-8 Klein bottles. These photons and gravitons interact via Vector-Tensor-Scalar Geometry to produce a united space-time (in Einstein’s term, a Unified Field) and every form of mass, including the Higgs boson and dark matter.

All mass is composed of gravitational and electromagnetic waves, according to vector-tensor-scalar (VTS) geometry inspired by the title of Einstein's 1919 paper "Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?" Both types of waves possess retarded and advanced ** components which travel forwards and backwards in time, causing cancellation in space-time and entangling all masses. Wick rotation (time) is built into the Mobius strips and figure-8 Klein bottles composing electromagnetism's photons and gravitation's gravitons. Therefore, all time (the entire past and present and future) is united into one thing just as all space and all mass are united into one thing. (If time only passed rectilinearly - from past to present to future - the idea of waves travelling back in time would make no sense at all. But if time is curvilinear - with past, present, and future interconnected - time must be able to move from future to present to past.) (Unity of past/present/future may remove the issue of non-simultaneity – in special relativity – because the timing or sequence of events being different in different frames of reference can only exist if past/present/future are separate. The concepts of cause and effect are no longer separate when all periods of time are united, and everything can happen “at once”. This is similar to watching a DVD – every event on the DVD exists at once since the whole DVD exists but we’re only aware of sights and sounds occurring in each tiny fraction of a second.)

** "When we solve (19th-century Scottish physicist James Clerk) Maxwell's equations for light, we find not one but two solutions: a 'retarded' wave, which represents the standard motion of light from one point to another; but also an 'advanced' wave, where the light beam goes backward in time. Engineers have simply dismissed the advanced wave as a mathematical curiosity since the retarded waves so accurately predicted the behavior of radio, microwaves, TV, radar, and X-rays. But for physicists, the advanced wave has been a nagging problem for the past century."

As promised, here’s the suggested answer to how did galaxies and the cosmos come into existence if there was no Big Bang (if the universe is infinite and eternal) -

Creating something which has always existed seems to be a paradox – whose definition is “a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true”. On the subject of paradox, 20th-century physicist Niels Bohr said, “How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress”. He also said, “Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true”. Hopefully, the crazy ideas in this article are “crazy enough to be true”. So, how might it be done? A model of the cosmos might be built that uses the infinite number pi and imaginary time, and resides in Virtual Reality (artificial, computer-generated simulation). The entanglement (quantum-mechanics style) in the simulated universe is unable to remain separate from the entanglement existing in our perceived reality because computers use so-called "imaginary time" (which is defined by numbers with the property i² = -1 and, as Prof. Stephen Hawking told us, removes all boundaries between space and time … in this case, between the two universes). This enables them to become one Augmented Reality (known now as technology that layers computer-generated enhancements onto an existing reality but seen here as the related layering of virtual reality onto other points in time and space). The poorly named imaginary time of physics and mathematics unites with pi (both are necessary to generate a non-Big-Bang cosmos i.e. an infinite universe which, because space and time can never be separated, is eternal). This manipulation of time, space, and the universe with virtual and augmented reality might possibly be produced by the two-valued binary-digit system used in electronics traversing a wormhole, or shortcut between folds in space and time, designed by humans of the far future. The augmented reality which is layered on “other” points in space-time actually isn’t transmitted to other points - because of unipositional quantum mechanics, only one ever exists. Thus, transmissions to any (apparently other) places or times wouldn’t be restricted to the speed of light but are instantaneous.

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