I am working on a project to develop a satellite base station to acquire data from the satellite NOAA-19 and I am in charge of decoding HRPT images. Accordingly to the NOAA user's guide, for the HRPT system, we receive 2 major frames/second and each major frame is subdivided into 3 minor frames. In the minor frame format, there is a part called "Earth data", in which image data from the 5 channels of the AVHRR are located, if I understood it well, as it is showed in the image below. For each channel, we receive 2048 words (10 bits each), which correponds to the pixels. My question is in which format are those pixels coded ? Is it in gray scale or in a color format ? Because for example, in the case of APT images, 8 bits code 256 levels of a gray scale, but I did not found this information in the case of HRPT images.

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