15 March 2023 0 194 Report

Hi everyone.

I am interested in fabricating Cr-based hard masks for soft lithography. The idea is to fabricate micro/nanopatterned Cr thin films on glass substrates by photolithography. In this context, the etching of Cr is fundamental to fabricate the desired structures. The focus is on wet etching procedures. In particular, I would like to know if there are any acid cupric chloride-based etcher solutions (CuCl2 + HCl). I know there are other solutions like those based on ceric ammonium nitrate (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6], but I am interested in the mentioned one.

Do you have any experience working with acid cupric chloride-based solutions for Cr wet etching? Does it work efficiently? If you have any recipe (and if it is possible), can you give me some tips (reagents proportions, volumes, concentrations, etc.) to prepare the etching solution?

Kind regards,

Simón Roa.

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