I would like to hear your opinions on using the software for old Windows versions or using the Diviz package. Which option is better to use (easier, faster and more user friendly)?
Thank you for the suggestion Sabri Erdem! I had already seen the video on youtube when googling for the ELECTRE III method. I would like to use the existing software (but it only works with old versions of Windows) or the Diviz package, hence my question. But your suggestion of doing it directly in excel is also an option I will consider. Thanks again!
I am looking for a software for Electre III, I checked the answers up but most of all are not found. I have more than 150 alternatives and I can't solve with excell.I learn about Electre and I want to use Electre Method.
I contacted the responsible person at LAMSADE and asked about the softwares. They are free available at http://www.lamsade.dauphine.fr/~mayag/links.html
However, these versions are not compatible with the recent versions of Windows, which means you would need a computer with XP or so to run the softwares.
If you need to use the recent versions implementing ELECTRE methods, they suggested the use of DIVIZ package (www.decision-deck.org/diviz) of the Decision Deck project (www.decision-deck.org).
Thank you so much for your interest. I contacted with responsible person at Lamsade too. It doesn't include Electre II or III. I found a software from https://sourceforge.net/projects/j-electre/?source=typ_redirect. But I can't use that because of it includes much information that I don't know what it means (like c- c c+ ).