We usually fix the brush with alcoholic solution, and than do a cell clot. But we have crush artifacts that don't allow the cytological evaluation. Can you suggest me something to improve this protocol?
For Cytology performance and microscopy. Rinse and whip the brush in ThinPrep (TP) solution. Don´t leave the brush in the solution, it will aggragate. Make TP slides if you have contact with a cytology laboratory.Then you have possibility allowing ancillary analysis, immunocytochemistry and FISH. Good Luck!
If you're doing molecular anaylsis, just place the brush tip into the buffer for extraction "for a while" and then remove the brush and proceed with genomic sample precipitation as you would with any other sample. Works like a charm.
I would suggest a combination of 4 to 6 slide prepared from a cell concentration technique such as cytospin or Thinprep combined with a direct smear from the brushings. This technique, that is a combination technique would minimize sampling error.