A very good paper shared by Marjan Naseri . Moreover, Santi Navales Ola you can explore green financing under the domain of alternate modes of financing e.g. crowdfunding. This is an interesting field these days and you can find potential research gaps for worthy publications. Thanks.
I have worked in finance and sustainability. The issue is if sustainability improves financial performance. I suggest you some papers:
Gómez-Bezares, F., W. Przychodzen and J. Przychodzen (2016): “Corporate sustainability and shareholder wealth-evidence from British companies and lessons from the crisis”, Sustainability, vol. 8, nº 3: 276, págs. 1-22. Open access: http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/8/3/276
GÓMEZ-BEZARES, F., W. PRZYCHODZEN and J. PRZYCHODZEN (2017): “Bridging the gap: How sustainable development can help companies create shareholder value and improve financial performance”, Business ethics: a European review, vol. 26, nº 1, págs. 1-17.
Przychodzen, W., F. Gómez-Bezares and J. Przychodzen (2018): “Green information technologies practices and financial performance - The empirical evidence from German publicly traded companies”, Journal of Cleaner Production, nº 201, págs. 570-579.
About ESG:
Przychodzen, J., F. Gómez-Bezares, W. Przychodzen and M. Larreina (2016): "ESG issues among fund managers-factors and motives", Sustainability, vol. 8, nº 10: 1078, págs. 1-19. Open access: http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/8/10/1078
A general paper is:
GÓMEZ-BEZARES, F. (2017): “Presente y futuro de las finanzas corporativas”, De Computis, Revista española de historia de la contabilidad, diciembre, vol. 14, nº 27, págs. 101-130. Puede verse en: http://www.decomputis.org/ojs/index.php/decomputis/issue/view/29
From a theoretical perspective (if that's your thing), I would like to see a model with an endogenous number of kids and their impact on the environment. Something along the lines of this empirical observation Article Reproduction and the carbon legacies of individuals
It's more of an Econ topic, but still can be related to financial choices of households.