The cyclomatic complexity and other useful code metrics are implemented directly in VisualStudio 2015. You can use the free community edition if you are eligible to their license (i.e. academic use, open source projects, etc.).
If you need to work with older compilers, VisualStudio 2013 has a plugin that you can install and that computes these metrics. It might also work on older Microsoft compiler but I'm not sure.
If you are interested, there are also a lot of static code analyzer that can help you spot real bugs. In the past, I successfully used both CppCheck (free) and PVSStudio (relatively expansive but amazing). I suggest you look into this if you haven't already.
BUT Like most tools pmccabe only does static analysis -- even better is to calculate "hidden complexities" -- i.e. complexity after Macros and inlines being resolved - the only tool I know that can do that is a gcc plugin -- e.g. the one that is included in the Linux kernel source:
Understand Scitools is a tool for studying, mantaining, reverse engineering large amount of code in different languages, C and C++ are among them and well supported. Cyclomatic complexity is just one of the many tools provided. There is a free evaluation period.
Sonargraph Architect is a powerful tool that supports the calculation of different kinds of metrics (cycl. complexity as well) and architecture visualization. You can get an evaluation licence easily and it has an Eclipse IDE plugin.