Efficacy of chemically characterized Ocimum gratissimum L. essential oil as an antioxidant and a safe plant based antimicrobial against fungal and aflatoxin B1 contamination of spices
Safety assessment of Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb. essential oil, its antifungal, antiaflatoxin, antioxidant activity and efficacy as antimicrobial in preservation of Piper nigrum L. fruits
Experiments were performed out according to the standardized protocol]. 3.8ml of methanol was taken as blank, where as 3ml of methanol added in0.3ml of 0.4 mM DPPH solution was taken as control. Reaction mixture was prepared by taking 3ml of methanol mixed well with 0.5 mL of aqueous & alcoholic extracts and 0.3ml of 0.4 mM DPPH solution. Solution such as blank, control and reaction mixture were allowed to incubate in the dark for 30 min. The colour of the reaction mixture fades as compared to the control and the reduction is observed by the decrease in the absorbance at 517 nm. The results were expressed in percentage of inhibition by using formula. The results were compared with the positive control i.e. standard Quercetin. The percentage inhibition of the DPPH radical was measured by using the following formula.
Percentage of inhibition = [(absorbance of control- absorbance of reaction mixture)/absorbance of control] X 100
Please read this article, it may help you about DPPH assy "Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of Anethum graveolens L. Dried Fruit Extracts". I attached below.
Efficacy of chemically characterized Ocimum gratissimum L. essential oil as an antioxidant and a safe plant based antimicrobial against fungal and aflatoxin B1 contamination of spices
Any standard method procedure for dpph assay in antioxidant activity? - ResearchGate. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/post/any_standard_method_procedure_for_dpph_assay_in_antioxidant_activity [accessed Nov 18, 2016].