Dear Sir,
this project sounds very interesting from a pratical point of view...Have you any paper to suggest about the approach you have in mind?
Thank you in advance e best wishes for a good project
I am aware of computational costs while working with high resolution data, so this question is more of hypotetical nature and is related to the relevance of friction parameter in inundation...
23 June 2020 2,172 2 View
It seems impossible since most of analyses are based on 3x3 cell neighborhood but I would like to hear your experiences. I know that some hydrodinamical models like TELEMAC are able to perform...
18 May 2020 6,177 7 View
Hi, i'm performing a fatigue analysis based on the Paris law via XFEM using Abaqus. My analysis consist of two steps: in the first one the crack is created by defining a damage criteria (MAXPS) in...
23 July 2018 5,581 3 View
I'm finding a substance that can improve the formation of cristobalite when I start a thermal cycle from pure silica powders. Can you tell me some specific scientific work? Thank for any answers...
26 January 2017 2,144 2 View
I'm finding a powder that can improve the formation of cristobalite at low temperature when I start from pure silica powders. Can you help me? Thank for any answers gentlemen..
24 January 2017 7,619 12 View
It is interesting by the determination of the atomic pressure in solids. I read some paper about the viral stress which was introduced by Lutsko (J. Appl. Phys. 64 (3), 1988) using the local...
27 October 2016 3,215 1 View
13 October 2016 3,647 3 View
Hi, I am using a lentiviral vector to over express a protein in AML cells. I have cloned the flag-gene into the EIFalfa-MCS-SV40 vector. When I use this vector to simply transfect 293 cells, I can...
06 October 2016 903 3 View
I am trying to develop a method to define protein binding to molecularly imprinted polymers. The method in brief: I am labelling my protein with FITC and then I add my MIP, and during incubation I...
04 October 2016 338 5 View
28 September 2016 6,084 10 View
Looking for help in writing my research proposal in the following areas : HRIS / HR / Change management / Remote work Please get in touch with me if that sounds like your expertise. Thank you very...
08 February 2021 5,434 4 View
I am performing sound signal processing for speech, heart, and breath sounds for a project. Our software already uses the Parcelmouth library for some processing features, so I would like to...
10 November 2020 6,261 1 View
07 September 2020 6,086 2 View
I am collecting examples of highly unpleasant sounds that cause an adverse physiological reaction when heard; I call these Auditory Noxious Events. Two such examples are (1) the sound made by a...
16 April 2020 6,842 24 View
I am looking found reference about people that has been working the proposed method in this publication: "Nucleic acid purification from plants, animals and microbes in under 30 seconds" from Zou...
10 March 2020 860 2 View
I have a sample size of 6 for my Spearman rank correlation. However, Fowler et al., 1998 (Practical statistics for field biology. 2nd Edition. England, UK: John Wiley and Sons. pp 259) states...
01 February 2020 4,982 5 View
For performing LES initial soundings have been taken from ERA data. But large scale forcings and surface fluxes also needs to be computed, to provide these as input. Kindly suggest some suitable...
22 October 2019 6,165 4 View
Music is a kind of mathematics but not just random sounds are music so in my opinion : MUSIC = SONOHARMONIC MATHEMATICS What do you think regarding my new terminology. All commenters are...
09 October 2019 3,428 1 View
I need to write a perception experiment something like this: 1. Subject hears two sounds. 2. Subject adjusts a slider to change a parameter of the second sound 3. Subject hears the two (adjusted)...
05 June 2019 5,772 2 View
HI all, I am exploring 3-hourly 3B42 V7 dataset. It provides 3 precipitation variable: precipitation, high quality precipitation and infrared precipitation. It sounds that high quality...
03 April 2019 4,263 2 View