25 October 2015 13 6K Report

Imagine that you that mix two chemical or biochemical reagents of any kind (enzyme and inhibitor; protein and DNA; pharmacological receptor and a ligand).  These two molecules reversibly form a non-covalent complex.  Necessarily it takes a certain amount of time for the reversible equilibrium to be fully established. The question is: exactly how much time is needed given some information about the "on" and "off" rate constants. 

A question like this can be answered by using an integrated rate equation, showing the evolution of all reagent concentrations over time.  My question is, has anyone seen an equation like that, specifically for the reversible bimolecular case. I looked at a good number of textbooks already, and many journal articles, but I simply could not find the equation anywhere, so I had to derive it from scratch - please see the attached graphics.

If, for some reason, the relatively simple equation I just came up with has not been published yet (despite the fact that literally thousands of people must have thought about this simple two-component problem over many decades), then perhaps the attached algebraic formula is even "publishable" in some suitable research journal. At the same time I find it hard to believe that that there isn't a textbook or a monograph showing the same thing.

So: Calling all experts and students of bio/chemical kinetics -- can you please point me to a published integral rate equation that describes the kinetics of reversible bimolecular association?  Thanks in advance for your time...

P.S.: In the attached graphics, E0 and I0 are the initial  (total, analytic) concentrations of the enzyme and the inhibitor, respectively; ka and kd are the association and dissociation rate constants; and C(t) is the concentration of the non-covalent complex "C" at time t.

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