In FASTSIM, there is a way to combine the flexibility parameters L1, L2, L3 into a single L. The formula is given in Kalker's book and papers, as well as in papers by other authors who extend the applicability or performance of FASTSIM, or just use it in their work:
L = (|sx|*L1 + |sy|*L2 + |phi|*sqrt(a*b)*L3)/sqrt(sx2+sy2+a*b*phi2),
with sx, sy, phi longitudinal, lateral and spin creepages, respectively. The formula is described to represent a "weighted mean" of the flexibilities. However, I can see that the result doesn't always look like a mean. For instance, with sx = 1, sy = 1, phi = 0 (i.e. equal weights x and y, no spin), it is
L = (L1 + L2)/sqrt(2)
– rather than the expected (L1 + L2)/2 – and that may not be between L1 and L2. Is this a correct behaviour, or am I making a mistake in the calculation?