I am working on the expression of one protein with a MW of 22 KDA. This protein has 8 cysteines, pI: 8.58 and positively charged. This protein forms incusion bodies, I have done washes of the bacteria pellet with 50mM Tris-HCl, 100mM NaCl, 5 mM EDTA and then resuspended the cell lysate in 50mM Tris-HCl, 100mM NaCl, 5 mM EDTA, 8M Urea.

I have done aliquots (1 ml) of this supernatant and I tried to refold the protein. I added drop wisely one drop (10 microlites every 30 s) in a 50 ml refolding buffer (50mM Tris-HCl,, 50 mMArg, 50 mM Glu, 5mM/0.5mM red/ox glutathione) with gently stirring and let the solution overnight. I centrifuged and there is a gel-like pellet.

I have done SDS-PAGE analysis and the aliquots with 8 M urea contains the protein, as well as the gel-like pellet. But not the supernatant after the refolding step and it is not solubilizing.

Any good protocol to refold the protein or any suggestions to get the expected result? We have no idea if all the cysteines of the protein form disulfide bonds.

Do I need to add DTT in any of the washes or at the moment of add Urea?

All the best

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