Dear Colleague, From these photos I can provide only some tentative identifications to genus - family level: 1) Sternoptychidae (? Argyropeleus). 2) juvenile Gempylidae 3) Sternoptychidae (? Polypnus), 4) Myctophidae, 5) Caristius 6) Caristtidae 7) Macrouridae 8) Alepocephalus 9) Pseudocyttus 10) Sio sp (Melamphaidae). Best regards, Vlad
Firstly it is necessary to know the area, where these fishes were sampled. I almost agree with Vlad, but 9) is more like Diretmidae (Diretmnus or similar genus), there is very special mouth shape. 5) and 6) - Caristiidae, see the last revision of this groups of Kukuev. 8) looks like Searsia koefoedi 10) looks like Scopelogadus or Poromitra (Melamphaidae) But of course it is very difficult to identify on such photos.
#1 looks like Argyropelecus aculeatus to me. That is the only hatchetfish with such a deep body cleft anterior to the anal fin. In other congeners (e.g. A. gigas) the cleft is not so pronounced.