There are some problems with your survey. Firstly there are far too many questions. You obviously hope to collect lots of information but there are far too many questions. Very few people will bother to complete such a survey and if they do they are likely to give random answers just to get to the end - which makes your research worthless.
To get around this problem, I suggest you use a short survey to recruit people and let them know they will receive several short surveys on specific topics (name the topics). Also explain to the participants what kind of information you will provide them during your research and once your research is complete. Getting people to complete a survey is a marketing problem. You need to find some way to motivate them. Just saying you are writing a thesis doesn't do that. I recommend you seek advice from someone with social marketing experience.
I didn't bother to read all the questions but did notice the one asking how times you practice daily. The minimum option you provide is one practice/day. Most amateur sports people practice less than that. So just ask how many times per week people practice and clarify if this is just for the main sport or all sports if more than one. Also, some people don't practice and just play. For example, I practice outrigger canoeing all year, practice dragon boat racing only Feb/March, and play in a volleyball league twice a week most of the year - but don't practice.
The third problem is that there are too many compulsory questions. So if a respondent can't answer a question or the question doesn't give a viable option (like the one on how many times per day your practice) the respondent's only option is to abandon the survey.
A fourth problem is that you ask for too much detail. I guess only some professional sports take note of what dosage of vitamins and supplements they use. Maybe do this question as a grid and have a "don't know" option for each one.