Here you can find a question from Barrie Gilbert, from another thread:


As long as we're thinking about its problematical

behavior using the notion of infinite bandwidth,

I must note that the "capacitively-loaded resistor"

does not have to be represented as an infinitely-

distributed line.The attached jpg shows a simpler

feedback network which not surprisingly will also

cause the system to oscillate; and of course, the

actual value of the time-constant(s) doesn't have

any bearing on the maximum permissible gain --

though it necessarily will alter the frequencies of



Here's what I found: Using first an AC analysis in

which the scalar gain parameter A is varied over

some range while the magnitude of the response

maxima are noted, the value of A resulting in the  

maximum gain is (about) A = 20.9690082650087

and it is 220 dB  -- equivalent to an impedance of

j1011 ohms, at a frequency of 3.272960203..MHz


However, in further simulation experiments, now in

the time domain, in which the circuit was hit with a

2 ps-wide 1 Amp stimulus, the critical value of gain

at which the oscillation magnitude neither grew nor

decayed, was found to be substantially greater, at

(roughly) 21.1719. The oscillation frequency at this

value of A was (about) 3.2847944982971781 MHz.


This discrepancy in this critical value of A is larger

than I'd expected. Note that as a matter of general

practice I typically set unusually tight convergence

tolerances. In these experiments chgtol = 1e-22 C,

abstol = 1e-15, vntol = 1 nV and reltol = 1n. I have

qualified the accuracy of this particular simulation

environment over many decades of its use and as

contributor to its capabilities.


So... I am puzzled by this anomaly. Can someone

out there "can explain it away"?



Available from: [accessed Jun 15, 2015].

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