je cherche des avis sur les PhD fully-funded positions dans le domaine de sciences biomédicales publiés sur les sites internet est-ce qu'ils sont fiables ? est-ce que vous connaissez quelqu'un qui a déja emprunté cette voie ?
With whatever little French I know, I would like to inform you that at the moment I am not in a position to help you. However, do keep up the contact and as and when I get some information I will get back to you.
Je crois que certaines de ces bourses sont bien fiables; il faut juste s'assurer parfois de l'existence physique de l'organisation qui annonce la bourse a travers son site internet. J'en connait des personnes qui ont bénéficier de certaines bourses. Ca nécessite aussi un peu de persistance et de perceverance.
Dear Professor Jai Ghosh , I think he is requesting for peoples view about online- advertized fully funded scholarships in biomedical sciences. He wish to know if they are real and trustworthy.
Thanks a lo, lot..... with my French. Well I think he should contact those people who are advertizing such things online. Its only when you pull the strings of guitar you know whether its up to your taste.