04 November 2016 1 4K Report

Hi there,

i am estimating sort of the shelf life or a product in da Polyethylene bag.

Bag Thickness is 200 microns, accessible area is 800 cm^2 or 0,08 m^2. Volume of the bag 100ml or 0,0001 m^3.

I found permeation coefficients of e.g. 12 Barrer (1). As Barrer is defined via CGS units (1 Barrer = 1e-10 (cm^3 cm)/(cm^2 s cmHg)), i converted it to SI units, then to molar flow. That is:

9,00072E-17 (m^3/s)*((m)/(m^2*Pa))  // SI

4,0152E-15 (mol/s)*((m)/(m^2*Pa))  // molar

The flux is usually calculated using this simple relationship:

J = (P/x)*(phigh-plow)*A

where J is the permeation flow, P is the permeation coefficient, x is the film thickness, plow and phigh the partial pressures inside and outside the bag and A the accessible surface for the permeation process.

For a 100 relative humidity at 25°C (3160 Pa) and zero inside the bag i calculate a flux of

5,07521E-09 mol/s

That is:

4,38E-04 moles per day and (molar weight of water is 18 g/mol) 

7892 µg a day.

That sounds like a large value and it felt like that, but i double checked.

Of course, this is the steady-state case.

Can someone:

  • reproduce this?
  • give me an estimate of how long it takes to reach the steady state? or give me literature according to this?

Thanks in advance,



(1) Metz, S. J. (2003). Water vapor and gas transport through polymeric membrane.

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