
I am working in R and know of the T-test and Tukey-test to compare levels of a variable, but these require equal sample sizes. Is there a test I can use where equal sample sizes are not a requirement?

in the attached file there's a table in which I'd like to make a few comparisons, namely does the amount of viruses present (#viruses) affect the value of the different breeding values? The amount of viruses represents an undependant variable (factorial) and the other ones are all dependent numerics.

As an example; is there a significant difference in varroa resistance between groups that are infected with 0,1,2 or 4 viruses?

I conducted a one-way ANOVA for every independant variable and concluded that there are significant differences for the following variables: 'defensive behaviour', 'chalkbrood' and 'total breeding value'. 

PROBLEM: if I conduct a Tukey-test to see WHICH levels vary I don't see any significant difference at all. What test should I use at this point that does not require equal sample sizes?  

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