
I've been doing several western blot trying to check protein expression, oligomer formation and protein degradation in alpha synuclein in cell lines (SH, PC12 and HEK) after transfection with plasmids (pIres).

I've had a lot of varibiality in my results and I don't know what I'm doing wrong, or why I have such variability in my blots that make them non consistent.

I don't use native gels, but I still see monomers, dimers, trimers and tetramers of alpha synuclein.

I've tested Old and fresh RIPA buffer. I've also tested membrane fixation with 0.4% PFA which improve a bit the bands.

Sometimes I get monomers and dimers for SH, and dimers, trimers, and tetramers for PC12, and sometimes only monomers in SH, and only tetramers for PC12.

I've get other weird results like no tubulin in PC12, or only GFP in the lane where is the C- with pIres emtpy vector only expressing GFP, but not in the rest of lanes with pIres expressing alpha synuclein and GFP (and I confirm that cells were green).

So, I'm desperate and I will appreciate all your help, please!

Attached the procedure and also some images.


The detailed protocol is:

Cells in 24 well plate as C- or transfected with pIres plasmid with alpha synuclein-6xHis tag and GFP

- Remove medium

- Trypsinize and inactivate. Collect in a eppendorf and add 500 ul of PBS to wash them

- Centrifuge 5 min 300 g RT

- Aspirate the SN and freeze the pellet in dry ice. Store the samples at -80ºC

- Lysis buffer: RIPA (50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7,5; 1% TritonX100; 1% NaDeoxycholate; 150 mM NaCl; 1 mM EDTA; 10 mM NaF) + 100x Halt Inhibitor

- Add 100 ul per sample of lysis buffer and vortex until pellet get resuspended. Incubate 30 min on ice and vortex at minute 15.

- Centrifuge 10 min at 4ºC 10.000 rpm

- Transfer the supernatant to a new epp and store the SN and the pellet at -80ºC until use.

- BCA quantification using 10 ul of sample

Western blot:

- 5-10 ug of sample + 4x loading buffer (10% b-mercaptoethanol), 95ºC 10 min + spin

- Load the samples on Precast Gel TGX Biorad (4-20%) Electrophoresis: 100 v 1h 30 min

- Open the cassete in transfer buffer and place the gel over the PVDF membrane (BIORAD already prepare for Tran Blot Turbo System (semy dry system). I usually soak the transfer cuvette, filters and membrane and remove the excess of buffer. Transfer of a mini (2.5A cte up to 25 V 3 min) or a midi or 2 gels (2.5 A cte up to 25, 7 min) gel to PVDF membrane

- 1x TBS wash

- 0,4% PFA fixation 30 min RT

- 2x TBS wash

- Ponceau staining 5 min

- 3x TBS-T wash

- Blocking 5% milk in TBS-T (1-2 h RT)

- Primary antibody rabbit anti alpha synuclein (PA5-17820) 1:1000 in TBS-T ON at 4ºC

- 3x TBS-T wash

- Secondary antibody goat anti rabbit –HRP 1:40.000 1-2 h RT

- 3x TBS-T wash

- Dry excess and put in a dry tray

- Develop with SuperSignal West Pico PLUS Chemilluminiscence (2 ml of mixed buffers and incubate 5 min).

- Remove the excess of substrate and place it between transparent plastic

- Imaging with Amersham 600RGB (1sec, 1 min and incremental ever 1 or 3 or 5 min....)

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