I am currently trying to generate yeast growth curves in a less labour-intensive way using a plate reader that has the ability to shake and incubate. Currently I have trialed a Tecan Infinte Pro 200M, but I also have a Tecan Sunrise at my disposal - does anyone have a protocol to agitate the yeast in either of these machines. I have read various descriptions of shaking parameters, and "orbital agitation (8 min at
140 rpm) followed by linear agitation (2 min at 300 rpm)" appears to be a standard, however after testing this, it seems inefficient at creating a fully agitated mixture, and the cells sediment in the wells. Importantly these do give the appearance of normal growth curves, but the cells are not actually fully in suspension. My concern is that if this were translated into a large-scale experiment in a flask, it would give an inaccurate prediction of growth curve, can anyone comment on this?
Following on - I am open to using larger well sizes but would like some advice on shaking parameters.