I am in dire need of help. Please help me with this. I am tyring to add a new transport model in thermophysicalModel which takes input as a csv file and converts it to interpolation table(mu vs T). I am using chtMultiRegionFoam. I made my own Model in specie/transport with all kinds of operator overloading functions. I did linking properly of new "mySpecie" and "myBasic". I defined the thermophysicsType (typedef ) for my new model, I defined new rhoThermo type. After compiling, when I use new thermophysical model, it throws an error and the list of thermo-types it shows doesn't even show my model. when I implemented same in rhoReaction and repeat all previous steps, It shows in the list of thermophysical models which the OpenFOAM throws. Any Idea about where I'll be missing?