I conducted a complex electrical impedance measurement for a water partially saturated rock.My complex electrical impedance data (Z' and Z'') between 500 ~10000 Hz can be well fitted by a Debye circuit. Through the fitting, I obtained the resistance R1 ,R2 and capacitance C.
For example, R1= 112 ohm, R2=24 ohm, and C = 3.2e-6 F.
The capacitance is proportional to total permittivity (E) or dielectric constant (Er) according to this relation C = E* k = E0*Er*k
Here k is the geometrical factor equaling 0.03 m, E0 is the vacuum permeability (8.854e-12) and Er is the dielectric constant. Thus the dielectric constant D should be calculated as Er = C/E0/k. So I calculated the Er as 12047285. This value is very huge compared to the common literature values.
If I am wrong, could anyone help me to point out where did I go wrong?
Thank you very much.