A child with inflammatory indication for tonsillectomy, and the adenoids was detected as early non-obstructing, with no aural symptoms i.e. no eustachian dysfunction, would you plan for adenoidectomy?
inflammatory indications for adenoidectomy is decreasing and now we perform adenotonsillectomy more for obstructive (OSA) indications. since in above case there is no symptoms and adenoids are not obstructive i will leave them as such. whats the age of the child? if its old and above 8 to 10years i will not touch adenoids as they are going to atrpohy with age... in lower age we might consider for adenoidectomy
I think there is no need for adenoidectomy if adenoyds are asymptomatic, I agree with Ravi Meher that the main indication for adenotonsillectomy is OSAS
There is a dearth of good published data to address this question. It is a good question, and practioner dependent tendencies are clearly manifest in the answers. In older patients (typically > 12 years) with a history of recurring tonsillitis, I would likely not perform the adenoidectomy. In younger (pre-pubertal) patients I tend to perform the adenoidectomy less selectively and more consistently. Incidentally, the complication rate and the post-operative morbidity for adenoidectomy is exceedingly low (much less than tonsillectomy)
Childs age is important for my decision. If child is older than 10 years old and has no sign for osas I do not do adenoidectomy but if child is younger and has osas i Will do it. Between Thèse ages and have not osas , decision is Not clear. If three is no sign for contraindication i usually do adenoidectomy
I will go with those who will not touch adenoids if there are no symptoms related to it. Though I had to do tonsillectomy in a few patients who had adenoidectomies earlier. So i don't think we can have generalisation, it depends upon case to case.
If child is asymptomatic no middle ear pathology found grade 1 or 2 detected on x ray need not be removed. It can be managed by medical line of treatment also from medicolegal point of view and to avoid surgery related complications.