I wrote an article entitled [15 Public "I was wrong" admissions by intellectuals & thought leaders] . They range from a health psychologist who realized that 10 years of her work might have been causing more harm than good to a physicist who announced in a stage conference that he made a miscalculation that lead to a false discovery of a planet. Talk about the importance of integrity is ubiquitous but actual case studies of public demonstrations of intellectual honesty are much harder to find. Compiling such cases helps in building and understanding a healthy culture about admitting mistakes in intellectual circles. The feedback I got up till now is quite encouraging.
I’m thinking of turning this project into a PhD or MA (mostly remote). Any supervisors suggestions?
Also, I want to publish it in a major publication like the Huffington Post or the Atlantic (or very relevant niche publications) . If you have any relevant connections or tips, I'd appreciate the help:)