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Questions related to Solar
I have this equation (k*CA)*t/(rohB*r)=F(X) for following reaction: A(g) + b B(s) --->c C() + d D(s) k is reaction rate constant (m/s) CA is concentration of component A (mole...
06 December 2023 7,523 7 View
I am working on lane line detection using lidar point clouds and using sliding window to detect lane lines. As lane lines have higher intensity values compared to asphalt, we can use the intensity...
05 December 2023 2,706 5 View
Do you think the reiteration of the parties to keep 1.5°C of global temperature within reach, through funding adaptation and mitigation efforts, is achievable?
04 December 2023 7,219 6 View
I am facing problem with the purification of N-CQDs. Explain me, how I purify N-CQDs through Solvent extraction and suggest me a good solvent for purifying N_CQDs through solvent extraction ?
29 November 2023 604 1 View
Can solar panels power directly without an inverter and how long does it take for solar panels to generate electricity?
23 November 2023 2,018 4 View
Hi all, experiencing this problem in Ansys Fluent where my fan is circulating air around itself rather than pushing it down my pipe, the outlet for it is situated way further back (3metres)...
22 November 2023 8,864 1 View
What happens to the electromagnetic energy from the sun and what happens to the energy in our sun as it moves through its life cycle?
21 November 2023 4,529 2 View
What happens to sunlight when it hits snow and what happens to the sun's energy when it hits clouds ice and snow?
20 November 2023 4,913 3 View
What is the maximum radiation that can be received from solar light and what does most of the incoming solar radiation eventually turn into?
17 November 2023 1,746 4 View
Why solar radiation varies over the Earth's surface and sunlight reaching Earth's Polar Regions different from sunlight reaching Earth's equatorial regions?
15 November 2023 9,458 3 View
Why is there less solar intensity in Polar Regions and solar energy spectrum at the top of the Earth's atmosphere differ from that at the Earth's surface?
15 November 2023 1,921 5 View
Will there be a short circuit when aluminum metal(probably aluminium oxide) enters the cathode of the secondary battery? Simply structure of Al foil (current collector)-Cathode-Al Oxide -...
14 November 2023 1,216 0 View
How does a planet stay in orbit without losing inertia and role of gravity and inertia in the formation of our solar system?
11 November 2023 6,297 0 View
Does gravity and inertia keep the planets in orbit and how does a planet stay in orbit without losing inertia?
11 November 2023 2,378 0 View
Metals like aluminium, copper, nickal etc
06 November 2023 3,249 1 View
This question in wireless network (cellular network) Q/ Prove that N = i 2 + ij + j2, where N is the cell cluster size, i is the number of cells to be traversed in the i coordinate, and j is the...
27 October 2023 2,292 0 View
What are the key challenges and threats associated with routing in dynamic and potentially untrusted vehicular environments, and how can fuzzy-based protocols address these challenges?
25 October 2023 8,641 1 View
1. tahapan dari awal sampai hasil analisa 2. cara dan sumber pengimputan material 3. penetuaan mesh 4. detail hasil analisa
13 October 2023 7,730 0 View
Will it be a Majorana mode? But, Majorana modes are typically characterized by their strong localization at one end. If an edge mode is not strongly localized at one end and extends significantly...
08 October 2023 2,750 4 View
How the rate of evaporation of a liquid is affected with decrease in exposed surface area and rate of evaporation of a liquid depend on?
07 October 2023 5,554 0 View
I have a python script to run Abaqus that worked perfectly fine with Abaqus 2021 version. Now that I have the 2023 version, none of my scripts work. I added a picture to show the error. Do anyone...
03 October 2023 6,093 2 View
Which factor played the major role in forming the solar system and relationship between the distance of the planets and their orbital periods?
02 October 2023 4,818 0 View
How are energy transferred from the sun to Earth through and energy and does the solar cycle affect the amount of energy that Earth receives from the sun?
01 October 2023 1,163 0 View
At what locations on Earth are the sun's rays are most direct and least direct and areas of the Earth receive and absorb the least sunlight?
30 September 2023 9,244 0 View