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Questions related to Social Psychology
Set to work on rattlesnake home range parameters. It appears the two most widely used software/extensions (For ArcView/ArcMap) are Animal Movement Extension (Hooge and Eichenlaub 1997/2000),...
02 November 2017 4,533 9 View
Dear Colleagues, Gery Karantzas and I are conducting a meta-analytic review of studies that have documented changes in caregiver burden over time in an older care-recipient (65+) sample. We are...
12 October 2017 3,261 3 View
Human behavior is influenced by internal (personal and psychological) and external factors (family, culture, economy, physical environment, etc.). I would be very grateful if someone could provide...
21 September 2017 9,134 16 View
I'm trying to compute the point of indifference (as in Kubota et al 2014. "The Price of Racial Bias: Intergroup Negotiations in the Ultimatum Game") in the third party ultimatum game but I'm...
18 September 2017 5,985 1 View
Puede alguien recomendar estudios desde la psicología sobre la conservación de bosques nativos por las comunidades? Muchas gracias. Traditionally, studies have been carried out on the conservation...
23 August 2017 8,525 3 View
Hi All, Let us assume that the authorities want to enforce laws in order to make sustainability reporting mandatory for all organizations. The questions is: is it possible to "measure" the...
22 August 2017 6,286 3 View
How do you think research on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) influence government initiatives to encourage healthy attitudes and perhaps even change...
13 August 2017 2,639 3 View
As per requirement of my class assignment. I need to conduct a research related to Mobile Banking with Expectation Confirmation Model. I want to test the correlation between the construct "...
24 July 2017 9,562 2 View
Hi everyone, I am searching for a specific kind of material assessing empathetic processes. I would like to measure empathetic decision taking, where the participant might choose between the...
23 July 2017 4,509 3 View
Two studies found self-uncertainty salience increased the subjective distance with the past self. How to build a rational story of them in the introduction? I thought about temporal self-appraisal...
17 July 2017 8,330 2 View
Dear all, I'm investigating perceptions of effective leadership of Germans and Indians (I want to know which leader attributes are mutually endorsed and which are not). Part of the questionnaire...
17 July 2017 6,037 6 View
Can anyone recommend validated scales that tap into extremism and radicalization?
13 July 2017 4,317 6 View
can it be used as state
11 July 2017 6,754 3 View
I am doing a study on determinants of pro-environmental behavior, where I propose values orientation (egoistic, altruistic and biospheric) and awareness of environmental threats as possible...
11 July 2017 4,705 19 View
Do you think that there is a relationship between social strategies such as (asking, cooperating, and empathizing with others )and EFL students attitudes toward using self and peer...
06 July 2017 6,077 18 View
In the workplace, there are friends and there are enemies. Why is the invisible enemy more dangerous? Does knowing the enemy not include costs?
28 June 2017 1,129 4 View
Current master-thesis is about organisational psychology and focusses on the relationship between working clothes and their effects on work-related aspects like motivation, distress and...
27 June 2017 2,846 2 View
Is there any theoretical reason why trustworthiness and risk aversion could be related? What if more trustworthy People (measured by what they Return in trust games) are more optimistic about...
26 June 2017 456 8 View
Assuming an upcoming researcher is given a research job aside his area of specialization what is the implication of accepting the offer? Although the researcher will be able to perform excellently...
26 June 2017 4,616 8 View
My research area is in communications for development. I am looking at attitudes to women leadership and voting behaviours in elections, for a small Pacific Islands ethnic group. I am interested...
25 June 2017 429 3 View
I want to understand the place of self-worth, sense of responsibility, guilt, and shame, in possibilities of a decision to engage in alternative development-enhancing actions.
17 June 2017 7,830 11 View
I am trying to understand whether the feelings of guilt and shame precede social values, and how the three [guilt, shame, and values] determine the choice of [decision for] alternative-actions...
17 June 2017 8,671 3 View
Hi. I need a scale for measuring social reputation of an individual. I want to measure a good reputation of an employee at his workplace. Or it can be said that what a person's coworkers think...
13 June 2017 1,968 3 View
I am currently working on a research on gender-based prejudice against Muslims and looking for a scale to measure implicit attitude and I would like to know what options we have apart from IAT scale.
12 June 2017 292 3 View