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Questions related to Signal Process
I am Bachelor 3rd year student. I am confused to go further in prioritize the areas to be worked upon. Or better solution to make mix of all of three to do research in electrical engineering.
07 October 2014 3,455 9 View
Is there any algorithms which can detect the pattern in any place of input signal ?
29 September 2014 4,668 5 View
09 September 2014 6,104 6 View
While writing for IEEE transactions on signal processing, if I have some novel algorithms (mathematical part), followed by a complexity analysis, followed by extensive simulation results and have...
09 September 2014 5,832 3 View
I am keen to do a real time project in noise cancellation. So far I am comfortable to analyze the signals using MATLAB only. Now I am interested in doing all such things and keen to see those...
09 September 2014 1,654 8 View
06 September 2014 9,147 3 View
I have some signals with different lengths (from 1 to 129 ) and I need to compare them and find their similarities and differences. Actually, I need to extract features for the signals regardless...
12 August 2014 1,678 5 View
I want to know about the algorithm behind it and its advantages in signal processing. Thank you for your cooperation.
08 August 2014 6,940 4 View
I am training for Single unit recording,rats, and I am looking for something as an introduction to signal processing. My B.Sc. and M.Sc. are in zoology and physiology but I have studied...
07 July 2014 4,400 8 View
The mems accelerometer is mounted on a quadcopter. Because the quadcopter is very small and flying indoors, it is basically impossible to use GPS to do sensor fusion. The position information is...
22 May 2014 2,513 9 View
05 May 2014 4,063 10 View
For example the correlation among time series of functional brain activities, signals related to EEG test, MEG test, time series, etc.
05 May 2014 3,889 3 View
What are the considerations I should take care of when preparing the signal for performing the wavelet analysis? Actually I found literature that may be: 1) remove the trend of the signal. 2) is...
04 April 2014 9,274 11 View
I am confused how shannon is changed to costa scheme. I mean how is B in shannon changed to 1/2 in Costa ? If the audio sampling rate is 22050 Hz and speech is 4000 Hz, can I say audio has 5 times...
04 April 2014 1,072 1 View
I am using an FIR filter with LMS to achieve adaptive noise cancellation, and hence I need to find the step size of the algorithm. How can I approach this to find the step size? Thanks
15 March 2014 1,637 3 View
03 March 2014 5,859 4 View
Here I am working on passive radar systems, where I need to prepare algorithms,modeling of a target, classification of target, etc.
03 March 2014 9,647 10 View
Brain-to-brain transfer of information has been illustrated between a pair of rats (Pais-Vieira et al. 2013). We evaluate the scientific validity of this study. First, the rats receiving the...
11 February 2014 5,496 7 View
Is there anything like negative frequencies. Frequency is calculated as number of cycles per second right?So how it can be negative?
01 January 2014 1,047 44 View
What is the role of band pass filter after computing power spectral density?
10 October 2013 916 3 View
If possible, with respect to signal processing.
01 January 2013 1,256 11 View
Does any one know the exact formula(s) for convex objective functions which their solution is SVD decomposition of matrix X?
28 September 2012 306 2 View
09 September 2012 3,477 2 View
I want to ask some details about the SNR estimation techniques. How to estimate SNR/ noise in the signal processing?
01 January 1970 6,686 7 View