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Questions related to Signal Process
I have done 16 bit multiplier using 8 bit multiplier, using vedic mathematics algorithm. Can anyone suggest me to get 24 bit multiplier using this 16 bit and 8 bit so I want to integrate it in...
02 February 2015 6,255 1 View
this topic is related to multirate signal processing..
02 February 2015 7,525 2 View
The time for the project is 1 year
02 February 2015 836 4 View
what are the current research topic in this area
24 January 2015 8,707 7 View
Dear researchers, I want to publish a paper about device-free passive localization in the context of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL). The problem is that neither is it focused entirely on signal...
01 January 2015 1,972 7 View
01 January 2015 6,616 8 View
I will be joining the Biomedical Signals and Systems research group in my University for Masters. But since I had done Signal processing in my Bachelor's, I would like to brush up on the basics...
01 January 2015 4,487 3 View
My final project is using TMS320C6713 for signal processing, and after i tried to work with this (including normalization and cross correlation), the result is there's too many delay that needed...
01 January 2015 3,642 4 View
I want material for RDFT basic and its application in signal processing especially in extracting nth frequency component. and even in other application.
01 January 2015 8,670 0 View
1. Advantages of both sides (Signal-based and Text-based) 2. Disadvantages of both sides (Signal-based and Text-based) 3. Overall comment, if any 4. References will be appreciated
01 January 2015 4,370 0 View
Please provide comparative analysis for this among IISc, old 5 IITs top NITs and IIITs.
01 January 2015 5,617 0 View
I am working on a study of embedded system. I am particularly interested in embedded system design using FPGA. Some articles suggest FPGA for rapid prototyping of an embedded system design. I...
29 December 2014 8,642 1 View
There are a number of filters in different orientations at different positions etc.. so what do the weights in convolutional neural networks really represent? I'm more interested in the signal...
12 December 2014 9,135 5 View
12 December 2014 7,111 3 View
I want to store the energy in capacitor for future use. The aim is thus for power and not signal processing. Currently, I am looking at precision recifiers for this. Are they good? Will the slew...
12 December 2014 4,833 3 View
Dear Frenz...... I want the know the importance of "" Complex-Valued Signal Processing ""....What are its Application Areas in Signal Processing, Communications, and Control Theory...... Regards,...
12 December 2014 4,214 1 View
I want to design a signal processing system using FPGA. I am not sure if I need to revise the basics of the digital logic to configure FPGA to my specific task. I choose FPGA over ASIC for it...
12 December 2014 1,881 5 View
I was thinking about a low-cost gamma spectroscopy system which will be using a CsI(Tl) coupled to a photodiode as a detector and an arduino microcontroller instead of a MCA for the signal...
11 November 2014 1,869 7 View
Hello everyone,I am doing research in signal processing but I am facing a problem in writing a MATLAB code of computing AM & FM bandwidths of analytic signal.Is there anyone in this community...
11 November 2014 1,112 7 View
I would like to measure the paraspinal muscle EMG activity during passive poking to the painful spinous process of the prone participant. I hypothesize that a pain provoking perturbation to the...
11 November 2014 3,240 4 View
I am trying to look for the emerging research areas from application point of view in the field of signal processing, machine learning, data analysis.
11 November 2014 3,687 1 View
The parietal cortex has long been associated with navigation, but the specific function has been somewhat difficult to pin down. One theory is more sensory and holds that parietal neurons encode...
11 November 2014 6,672 3 View
For designing a powerline communication for Neighbourhood Area Network (NAN).
10 October 2014 6,949 1 View
I am Bachelor 3rd year student. I am confused to go further in prioritize the areas to be worked upon. Or better solution to make mix of all of three to do research in electrical engineering.
10 October 2014 2,802 10 View