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Questions related to Semiconductor
The energy gap in the semiconducting films decreases when the thickness of the film increases. What is the reason?
01 June 2020 3,226 5 View
We are struggling for gate leakage current simulation of MOS-HEMT using different barriers/oxide layers, can anybody guide us with sample Silvaco TCAD script for leakage models?
23 May 2020 549 1 View
could you be kind of explaining that why NiO is intrinsic p-type semiconductor? Besides, how to do p-type doping on metal oxides? for example perovskites SrNb2O6 or SrTiO3 and so on.
19 May 2020 1,345 19 View
Please, which numerical software used for the simulation of electronic nano-devices or, in other words, electronic devices based on 2D semiconductor materials? Thank you so much.
02 May 2020 4,794 1 View
Hi all, I am currently trying to work out how to export an LTSPICE model to CST. Just to get how to do it basically I have started by just using a standard 50 ohm resistor that I want to export as...
28 April 2020 3,114 1 View
Hello! I am studying temperature- and doping-dependent physical models of semiconductor properties, such as energy gap, intrinsic carrier concentration, carrier mobilities, minority carrier...
10 April 2020 1,488 9 View
I am ICP etching AlGaAs Bragg structures using Ar, Cl2 and BCl3. After etching (typically a few microns), there is material deposited on the surface and sidewalls of my photonic structures. I...
23 March 2020 2,355 5 View
I'm trying to mechanically exfoliate a decent size (more than 20 um) 1L ReS2 film from bulk using the standard PDMS technique. But, I'm hardly getting any film close to 10 um size. Has someone...
16 March 2020 8,976 2 View
Work function of a semiconductor is given by the energy required to take electron from Fermi level to vacuum level. Under illumination, Fermi level of a semiconductor is replaced by two quasi...
12 March 2020 4,740 10 View
I am learning knowledge of bandgap engineering applied on wastewater treatment this semester. It seems that there are many properties of a semiconductor that influence photodegradation activity of...
11 March 2020 6,647 6 View
I have been trying to create some perfect conductor in my simulation as a connection between 2 spots(different doping semiconductor area). But is seems that the barrier bewteen silver and the...
11 March 2020 2,660 1 View
Why there is difference between Halleffect and sensing measurement in the type of semiconductor? Example the first declare p type semiconductor while the second declare n type?
24 February 2020 3,349 6 View
For example, cadmium from group 12 is composed of sulfur, selenium, and tellurium compound semiconductors. Whereas mercury is from the same group with compound semiconductor sulfur only. Why not...
18 February 2020 2,297 3 View
I am working with La(PrCp)3 Precursor in my Lab. I am not getting enough thickness after oxide layer deposition with ALD. To solve this issue I want to know about the precursor's chemical...
17 February 2020 5,882 3 View
which is an appropriate method for enhancing the piezoelectric property of semiconductor materials? How it will improve the properties?
11 February 2020 1,340 3 View
Hi, I'm recently thinking about the distribution of electric field in a forward biased PN junction, what's confusing me is that the built-in electric field has the opposite direction, which makes...
05 February 2020 3,553 4 View
If band structure is anisotropic in k-space, then how will the convergence of two bands normally appearing at two different symmetric point in the Brillouin zone will enhance See-back Coefficient?
05 February 2020 2,083 3 View
I'm a student in materials technology. Currently, my work is about codoping ZnS with Mn and Cu. However, i have some problem with the dopant substitute. I mean, how to determine which place that...
04 February 2020 1,957 7 View
Hi Im looking forward a semiconductor material with smaller band gap of InSb. someone can introduce it to me?
03 February 2020 6,199 3 View
I am concerned about the energies of EM radiations. Like the visible has an energy in the range of 1eV, UV has an energy of 10 eV. So when we shine the EM on a semiconductor, how does it affect...
31 January 2020 2,506 3 View
In doped semiconductor samples it is very interesting to know the position of these atoms, if it is interstitial, substitutional, etc.
29 January 2020 962 3 View
I have seen many answers to the question on how to determine the band gap of a semi-conductor, but that always implies the use of UV-Vis Spectroscopy. However, the problem with this method is that...
29 January 2020 9,153 7 View
How can I increase the electron velocity in a semiconductor? Is there a method of excitation?
24 January 2020 4,242 6 View
I require the standardized protocol of tryptophan quenching for protein ligand interaction.
24 January 2020 8,009 4 View