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Questions related to Quantum Physics
A mathematical fact, is that when we get a negative result, say like the root of minus one is actually an imaginary number. But, from a Quantum Chemistry perspective , imaginary velocity, what is...
02 February 2016 7,775 3 View
I read his description of the experiment but I still haven't understood as to how the results can't be predicted with "classical physics", what I mean is that electron gun which he has assumed...
01 January 2016 9,319 73 View
Do you think their is any relation between PDM hamonic oscillator with quantum friction?
01 January 2016 6,757 5 View
Unification of quantum and classical correlations and quantumness measures(arxiv:1104.1520)
01 January 2016 9,236 6 View
What different quantum states should we expect for a graviton. I understand a spin 2 particle is predicted; what does that mean in terms of eigenstates?
12 December 2015 786 21 View
In October 1971, Hafele and Keating flew cesium beam atomic clocks around the world twice on regularly scheduled commercial airline flights, once to the East and once to the West . In this...
12 December 2015 4,455 40 View
Two different kinds of multidimensional differential calculus exist that can cope with parameter spaces that contain elements, which are constituted from a scalar and a three dimensional vector....
11 November 2015 2,448 30 View
My question is about the famous double slit experiment used in Quantum physics. In this experiment, even a single electron is behaving as a wave until hitting the phosphorus plane. It seems that...
11 November 2015 7,909 17 View
Entanglement photons can realize super-resolution. It is called quantum lithography or sub-wavelength interference. This phenomena is explained through the equivalent sub-wavelength. However, I...
11 November 2015 2,773 2 View
In quantum physics, a quantum fluctuation is the temporary change in the amount of energy in a point in space, as explained in Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Earlier this year, PhysOrg...
11 November 2015 3,461 21 View
There is a very close and accurate agreement between the classical electron radius, alpha, the electron Compton wavelength and the Bohr radius. such that: re = alpha. lambdae /2pi =...
10 October 2015 8,482 52 View
i am trying to understand how a projection operator will differentiate between +45 polarization and -45 polarization?like for 45 polarization I can write 1/Sqrt2[H+V] and for -45 1/Sqrt2[H-V] the...
10 October 2015 9,904 3 View
How can i visualize this phenomenon?...Please interpret in detail...
10 October 2015 2,711 4 View
{abstract}The fashion is wrongly called "Standards of beauty". Because the Standards, as the name says, are never changing. Therefore, let us build our character on the Uniting...
09 September 2015 5,234 2 View
what is the difference between 2 photon and multi photon state behavior?
09 September 2015 4,553 3 View
In the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin(WKB) approximation,we have for a gradually changing potential,the imposing of the WKB boundary conditions on the Airy functions.I can't find justification or...
09 September 2015 8,610 1 View
If universe are filled from consciousness and if higgs boson field and the Hypothesis that; Elementary particles may have gained their mass from an elusive particle of higgs boson field; And if...
09 September 2015 2,794 2 View
Imagine the following situation: a particle has the same possibility of entering to two regions of space, being that in each is present a certain potential. Due to the experimental design, to the...
09 September 2015 9,013 19 View
The classical mechanics (and it's relativistic enlargements) describes macroscopic objects. This objects consist of a very large number of particles, normally atoms. The properties of the...
08 August 2015 1,892 4 View
This of course is, arguably, the seminal problem -- does P=NP? If one accepts counterfactual definetiveness in QM (and CT as true, of course), then the problem takes on a whole new dimension from...
08 August 2015 5,170 2 View
In a recent paper, Prof. Eberly et al from Rochester argued that entanglement does not define anymore boundary between quantum and classical systems. They first sketched the purely classical...
07 July 2015 4,576 19 View
The wave-function describes a form of quantum energy called the quantum potential which propagates throughout space. Disturbing the quantum potential in one location instantly modifies it...
07 July 2015 1,391 60 View
Hi I think common quantum measurements are based on electromagnetic interaction and each measurement has at least one EM interaction. Is it true? If we can perform a quantum measurement based on...
07 July 2015 2,713 10 View
Allow me to bring to your attention again to Everett III's dissertation, which is the basis of the Many-Worlds interpretation of QM (multiverse). As far as I know, while his hypothesis is popular...
07 July 2015 1,791 0 View