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Questions related to Quantum Physics
Quantum field theories use Minkowski space whereas statictical mechanics uses 3-D Euclidean space with temperature as an additional variable. Both the theories deal with many particle systems and...
07 July 2015 3,809 2 View
In the recent Australian National University experiment by Dr. Truscott, Wheeler's Delayed Choice thought experiment was carried out with ultra-cooled helium atoms. The Nature Physics publication...
06 June 2015 6,016 3 View
Is it possible to avoid classical communication channel when sending back the measurement result?
06 June 2015 5,530 10 View
I need to proof that the partial trace is a completely positive map. I have seen such proof before, but I just don't remember now. When I google it, they usually state it as a fact without any...
06 June 2015 622 6 View
We all know that in CERN they study the orbits of particles to obtain information. But this so taken in mind that in a collision total momentum is conserved. On the other hand in case of a beam...
06 June 2015 7,201 14 View
I have calculated 4-particle eigenstates for my system which is Hubbard type 4-site model, analytically. All sites in the model are distinct, I am interested in two particular sites for which I...
05 May 2015 6,495 2 View
One can see the article"How the result of a measurement of a component of the spin of a spin-1/2 particle can turn out to be 100" in PRL
04 April 2015 9,104 4 View
I am trying to conceptually connect the two formulations of quantum mechanics. The phase space formulation deals with Wigner quasi-probability distributions on the phase space and the path...
04 April 2015 759 1 View
Can i get some information about the relationship between the Bohr exciton radius and quantum confinement effect in nanomaterials?
04 April 2015 947 3 View
I would like to know if there is a simple method of calculating the absorption coefficient (alpha at different wavelengths) for a quantum well. Cordially,
04 April 2015 5,531 5 View
For example for Laplacian in Schrodinger equation the solution is of the form psi=f(r)F(cos^2theta) so we may obtain the radius as a function of theta to be positive. What if it becomes negative?...
04 April 2015 6,688 6 View
Was thinking about an analogy recently while getting back home from the tram station. Let us assume you are waiting at a bus stand for a particular bus. Quantum physics is akin to saying: Any...
03 March 2015 5,046 0 View
I come up with it in some calculation. Its L2 norm is of course 1. However such object seems to be orthogonal to any other function in L2, i.e. is the null distribution if seen as a functional.
03 March 2015 897 20 View
Experimental fact of CP and T invariance violation has long been discovered and recognized in particle physics (Rev. Mod. Phys. 87, 165, 2015). However, in optics the situation is quite...
03 March 2015 331 2 View
All electrons are identical. Transposition of two of them multiplies the wave function by -1. All electrons in the Universe contribute equally to my body. That is not a problem. Let a new electron...
03 March 2015 4,792 2 View
Does cosmic consciousness exist from the viewpoint of quantum physics? What do you think?
02 February 2015 355 0 View
According to conservation laws for Parity, Momentum, etc. can anyone give full explanation for 1+ 0- transition (1->3) and other cases?
02 February 2015 1,173 0 View
A 100 years after the quantum physics were formulated we get the formulation of the quantum biology. We can read the behaviour of fish and birds on the quantum level in relation with the...
02 February 2015 8,432 4 View
In the so-called quantum protocols it is considered, implicitly, that the state spaces are unalterable throughout the implementation of any computational process. On the other hand, in the Peres's...
02 February 2015 6,595 9 View
I am not sure about mechanism of wavefunctiin collapse. What do you think?
01 January 2015 5,478 13 View
Can anyone recommend any papers or place where I could learn more about this topic?
01 January 2015 3,124 0 View
The answer to this question may play the crucial role in dissolving the black hole information loss paradox. Indeed, this paradox results from the apparent conflict between the quantum...
01 January 2015 4,012 5 View
According to quantum mechanics, the vacuum state is not truly empty but instead contains fleeting electromagnetic waves and particles that detonate into and out of existence. Also, in conventional...
01 January 2015 844 72 View
I Know it is demanded by many quantum phenomena, but what does it imply about the underlying structure of the universe? On one hand we have a classical world, entirely non-contextual, and on the...
12 December 2014 1,831 26 View