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Questions related to Quantum Mechanics
What is the true electric field inside an OLED? We estimate it to be few mV/Å, but cannot find confirmation from explicit numbers in the literature. The model we use assume a linear decay of the...
14 February 2017 8,867 1 View
I need to derive the Klein-Gordon equations of the complex Higgs doublet (see the picture). Here ϕ1,2 and θ1,2 are real functions of time. I'm not sure if there are four, i.e. one for each...
07 February 2017 8,699 2 View
An analogous phenomenon to predator prey population dynamics in quantum mechanics is also appreciated.
26 January 2017 5,733 3 View
I am thinking of the possible value of quantum biology.
24 January 2017 4,937 2 View
According to Coleman's following paper (link is attached), the eigenvector corresponding to negative eigenvalue is the tangent vector to the contour at z=1, the question is how to make sure this...
23 January 2017 5,689 1 View
I saw in some articles that the quantum tunneling involves crossing a potential bsrrier in a time-interval equal to zero. arXiv:quant-ph/9710046v2, "Can a falling tree make a noise in two forests...
24 December 2016 9,853 39 View
I am doing electronic properties by inclusion of the spin orbit coupling. I have one polarized gas like oxygen, so I need to do spin polarized dos for my system with the inclusion of SOC. If...
10 December 2016 5,064 4 View
Why the plasma ingredients become degenerate due to the influence of Pauli-exclusive principle and classical statistical assumptions is break dawn ?
06 December 2016 2,127 4 View
Can the overall size or shape of an individual atom be distorted by external pressure? It needs to be an experiment with an actual atom, not a simulation or mathematical calculation.
06 December 2016 2,529 4 View
At T = 0 the Fermi energy is equal to the chemical potential μ. This zero temperature limit is intrinsically quantum mechanical, because all states below the Fermi level have occupation number...
02 December 2016 3,442 1 View
As we know, atom is always massive compared to photon, so its de Broglie wavelength (h/(mv)) is very small. In the textbook "quantum mechanics" written by Griffiths, Problem 1.18, it says "......
29 November 2016 6,816 13 View
Consciousness and Chaos booth seems to be originated from same source/origin. Both are well patterned and relative with each other as well. If there is no consciousness then there will be chaos...
19 November 2016 7,377 13 View
As in Hartree Fock Approximation Slater has used slater determinant to maintain the antisymmetry!
01 November 2016 3,675 4 View
Partial coherence is well defined classically using classical optics. Want to know how it is described using quantum mechanical concepts.
26 October 2016 1,818 2 View
When we switch on hybrid calculations in Q-Espresso, we give q-point for Fock Operator. for following settings KPOINTS = 8 8 8 and qx1=1,nqx2=1,nqx3=1 The program prints out something like...
22 October 2016 6,681 1 View
If Conley Zehnder index is known how one can use this information to compute the Maslov index and vice versa? Has somebody seen such calculations? Has somebody seen such calculations in the...
18 October 2016 607 10 View
azimuthal quantum number
14 October 2016 2,007 8 View
Dear friends, I am interested in the Stern-Gerlach experiment, with spin 1 atoms. I see in pictures that the apparatus contains two long magnets, typically, of 13 cm length. I am interested to...
06 October 2016 2,397 14 View
Assume that the particles in the system don't react among themselves and don't undergo any change of the type of particle. Assume also that their energies are not very high, i.e. we don't have...
01 October 2016 2,832 19 View
I calculated the band structure of O2 adsorbing in CH3NH3PbI3. I got the result as the following attach. who can tell me why it appear the fat band. anyone has suggestion?
19 September 2016 5,118 6 View
L= r x p is a 3 dimensional relation. In 4 dimensions r and p are 4 vectors and L is a 4x4 matrix. We want to discuss conservation laws related to angular momentum in 4 space time dimensions. Then...
12 September 2016 1,341 8 View
Hi Friends, I have done a molecular dynamics simulation of a DNA molecule for 100ns in Gromacs with amber force field. I expected a well stabilized system but I got structures with small...
07 September 2016 9,063 9 View
I've not expertise on traffic flow assessment, but I need a simple model to calculate the amount of traffic on road stretches connecting several nodes, possibly by using only data on population of...
19 August 2016 3,688 16 View
I was trying to submit a QM/MM job to ADF and I wanted to use pdb2adf utility in ADF, in order to make the proper input file, but somehow was not getting it right. I will be submitting a QM/MM...
17 August 2016 4,393 10 View