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Questions related to Quantum Mechanics
Could you please guide me more about my question? I'm going to choose an appropriate the subject for my Ph.D. thesis.
06 August 2019 1,206 3 View
fundamentally it seems that it is possible to divide them by basics of quantum mechanics(new)(not the present)
29 June 2019 541 8 View
I recently prepublished this paper and deposited it on HAL (CNRS open archives): Radial gravitational wave study, physical interpretation of ...
30 May 2019 444 32 View
In non-hermitian Quantum mechanics states,for certain threshold value of pseudo-hermitian Hamiltonian will give real to complex eigen value spectra and abrupt phase transition have occurred at...
12 May 2019 2,161 4 View
As recently, we are changing our detectors (hunter of dark matter) by means of quantum technology , so what can this smallest scale of universe predict about largest scale of universe?
16 March 2019 4,056 6 View
BCS theory uses tight binding model to explain type-I superconductivity. Theory uses available Gibbs free energy in equilibrium to get transition temperature. Thermodynamics suggest that there...
09 March 2019 3,129 2 View
Discuss in detail.
08 March 2019 9,012 4 View
For quantum entanglement experiments in the mm-wave band it is necessary to have a source of entangled photons. Generating these from a pump of radiation by spontaneous parametric down conversion...
07 March 2019 7,118 0 View
I've only recently began using quantum espresso to run a simulation on carbon nanotubes. After doing a few scf calculations until total energy had converged I ran a projwfc.x calculation and...
22 February 2019 3,715 3 View
In a course on quantum mechanics I took we were told that for the setting in which the gun shoots a particle with spin orientation +z and the analyzer is perpendicular to this orientation, 50% of...
11 February 2019 537 6 View
A quantum mechanical two particle oscillator in an entangled state with n(0,3,4) has sligthly different maximum Lyapunov -Parameter which are related to partial Integrals of Motion. A physical...
22 January 2019 7,763 3 View
In standard quantum mechanics textbooks, the form of the momentum operator, in position space, is either given as definition, i.e. they write that the momentum operator is –id/dx (times the...
18 January 2019 8,941 5 View
Dear QM experts, I am going to perform a simple QM calculation from my resulted MD structures in order to analysis their photoelectric properties. But unfortunately I am new in the area and I...
07 December 2018 3,954 4 View
In one-particle, one-dimensional quantum mechanics, if the spectrum of the Hamiltonian is given, can the form of the potential be determined? For instance, can all potentials with spectrum of the...
28 November 2018 9,300 18 View
In my case I have CCl4 and Propan-2-ol molecules. In the first case I want to calculate the geometric parameters like bond angles, bond lengths and energy-volume curves when two CCl4 molecules...
28 November 2018 2,854 4 View
Leonard Susskind and others are saying that Black holes are quantum mechanical object? On what fundamental ground then they have used GTR and other parametric equation to get Black holes dynamics?
24 November 2018 8,847 5 View
There are different proofs that the quantum nechanics (QM), more exactly the quantum formalism (that was NEVER contradicted by experiment), does not admit a substructure of particles following...
20 November 2018 6,821 96 View
I am looking for existing quantum algorithms for the prediction of the tertiary structure of proteins. Do you know of any? Joachim's links made me realize that I forgot to specify the type of...
17 November 2018 768 9 View
The intensity of ionization spectra can be approximated by Franck-Condon Factors (FCF), Dyson norms etc. As far as I know they are mostly used in single ionization PES. I was wondering is there...
24 October 2018 5,713 2 View
Imagine that a quantum object, what we call (non-rigorously) a "particle", is described by a wave-function which is non-null in two regions of the space, but in between it is null. Could it be...
19 October 2018 4,941 50 View
Assume that an atom is irradiated with photons of energy E0, fit for raising an electron to a level of energy zero - recall that the bound levels in atoms are negative, s.t. a level of energy zero...
12 October 2018 9,492 31 View
Hello all. I am a synthetic inorganic chemist who worked on gold clusters for application in heterogeneous catalysis during my PhD few years ago. Now I am trying to learn some computational...
14 September 2018 9,626 3 View
Quantum mechanics have many real time applications and passed many tests. even though many scholars, philosophers disagree with quantum mechanics and even Einstein had not accepted it..... why...
10 September 2018 1,047 70 View
Dear fellow researchers, I have performed a transition state search for a suggested reaction coordinate at B3LYP/6-311+G** and was able to identify and confirm both the reactant and products...
02 September 2018 4,143 9 View