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Questions related to Particle
Elementary particles are a subatomic particles with no substructure, thus not composed of other particles.
11 November 2018 839 0 View
Gigault et al. (2018) defined nano-plastics as particles unintentionally produced (i.e. from the degradation and the manufacturing of the plastic objects) and presenting a colloidal behavior,...
11 November 2018 9,593 1 View
I mean what is the mechanism, when modulation of the stand-wave results in slow down of the particle?
11 November 2018 7,330 1 View
Brown particles/cells have been found in the culture of Dunaliella sp. grown in 35, 45, 55 ppt salinity
11 November 2018 4,554 0 View
1. how to identify the characteristic peak of Pb-nano particles using UV-vis spectrometer, synthesized by green synthesis process ? 2. if its intra-cellular production is it possible to identify...
11 November 2018 8,035 3 View
when matter is nothing but an arrangement of #subatomic particles. as human also changing matter, pne form to another so does the nature. why do we day that irrerversible process exists. all...
11 November 2018 7,427 9 View
Given a chunk of particle size Di, how can I estimate the crushing work to reduce the size of the particle (to new size Do) and how can I calculate the cost involved in crushing the particle. I am...
11 November 2018 2,193 1 View
Dear colleagues! I wonder why it is not possible to make measurements with ionization chamber in the lack of CPE? I understand theory good much or less (that we cannot make a ''chain''...
11 November 2018 1,646 1 View
I have a sample containing 6-9 microsphere particle of Poly(styrene-co-divynyl benzene).
11 November 2018 5,918 0 View
11 November 2018 9,856 0 View
I have a question about Agrobacterium tumefaciens transmission. Is there any publication that Argobacterium can be transmitted by air or by dust particles in greenhouses?
11 November 2018 3,399 3 View
Interstellar space is nonthermal in nature. Can anybody help me in finding all the possible nonthermal realistic particle distribution laws realizable in interstellar space?
11 November 2018 2,905 0 View
There are different proofs that the quantum nechanics (QM), more exactly the quantum formalism (that was NEVER contradicted by experiment), does not admit a substructure of particles following...
11 November 2018 3,718 97 View
Does the Higgs Boson causing the mass of particles create a problem for applying Einstein's Equivalence Principle to the graviton? And can the graviton still be considered the complementary...
10 October 2018 4,317 13 View
I have a question about the aggregation induced effect (AIE) fluorophore AIE is active when the concentration of water increase, because in this condition it generate solid particle. In normal...
10 October 2018 3,556 1 View
Which algorithm is better for optimal parameter selection ? Glowworm swarm optimization or particle swarm optimization or hybrid Genetic - PSO algorithm ?
10 October 2018 2,828 3 View
What is physical cause?
10 October 2018 8,609 95 View
Does a wave function is in stationary state whenever existing in reality or under specific circumstances, it becomes so?
10 October 2018 685 1 View
Hello, everyone! I need a software that could pack the arbitrary shaped particles (random packing). Particle models are prepared in CAD software (see figure for example). Now I need to fill the...
10 October 2018 4,545 6 View
According to statistical mechanics, the translation energy of a system of point particles is given by 3/2 NKT. And it is known that a single particle exhibits only translational energy. So can we...
10 October 2018 1,085 9 View
I have known that MTT assay can be used to check cell toxicity of some materials such as nanoparticles. MTT assay data is obtained through measuring absorbance in specific wavelength. However, if...
10 October 2018 1,803 4 View
Electron is Outermost particle of every atom. On the railway track electron is facing the weight of train .What is the mechanism of electron's not crushing under tremendous pressure?
10 October 2018 6,509 0 View
When we want to estimate the distribution of a random variable (e.g. particle diameter) in a number of particles, we may represent it either with number or area or volume(mass) frequencies. I...
10 October 2018 894 0 View
We are working in the field of bio remediation. We have used the different types of fine particle for immobilization of bacterial species. Particles could be contain different charge on the...
10 October 2018 2,529 0 View