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Questions related to Particle
I want to know, is it possible to investigate the behavior of heavy metal ions in the adsorption process according to specific ion effects theory? I mean, is it possible to find a series like...
05 May 2019 198 2 View
Dear all, I have a question concerning the scoring of neutrons produced from a proton beam and later been moderated. I want to score within a cell (e.g. water tank, or ICRU phantom) the dose from...
05 May 2019 8,478 6 View
I have e RBFNN with 10 input nodes 5 hidden layer nodes and 2 output nodes. i want to optimise the weights and centres using GA and PSO using matlab . so please anyone have any idea how to encode...
05 May 2019 2,972 2 View
ROLE OF “TWIST” IN DEVELOPMENT OF MOVEMENT Any system only gets twist when it has tie-up bindings at least on both ends. DQV (Dynamic Quantum Vacuum) along universe can be granted with the...
05 May 2019 2,426 2 View
Since 1967 the physics community has known that massive neutrinos travel at the speed of light but have not been able to admit it since this violates Einstein's E = mc^2 in Special Relativity....
05 May 2019 5,295 4 View
Following with Hawking radiation, what happens to the antiparticle unpaired at the black hole event horizon that remains at the black side? And the particle at the bright side? Does it turn into...
04 April 2019 8,173 27 View
I have 1 ltr nano-fluid of 0.2% concentration (distilled water + copper particles), if i add 1 liter Distilled water into the fluid and conducted magnetic stirring with ultrasonication, then can i...
04 April 2019 1,960 3 View
In pair production we get e - and e+ from gamma ray which is massless uncharged particle. I considered this particle as positronium and found that the strong electric field makes time dilation. I...
04 April 2019 3,034 9 View
we want to know the relationship between the type of functional groups on a particle surface and the magnitude and type (+ or -) of zeta potential. For example when carboxyl groups are on the...
04 April 2019 5,002 5 View
Does anyone know of a vendor (sigma-aldrich, etc.) that sells porous silica particles with known pore size? Known particle size would also be preferable, but the more important known parameter...
04 April 2019 6,663 1 View
I have MnCoSi macro particles of 300 to 800 microns, but I need to do size distribution analysis on them but I do not know the refractive index of these particles or how I can measure them. I...
04 April 2019 169 7 View
I am doing DPM in high speed crossflow, a water injected vertically into a high speed air flow. The problem is that the interaction between particle and the air flow seems to be very weak. The...
04 April 2019 3,448 6 View
'Fermi acceleration' and 'wave - particle interaction'
04 April 2019 9,472 1 View
I am curious why industry prefer to use activated carbon supported Pt nanoparticles instead of use pure Pt nanoparticles. What is the role of activated carbon? Does the carbon prevent aggregation...
04 April 2019 4,979 2 View
There is an important difference between the temperatures of the measuring cell which is located inside the optical system and the dispersion unit which is at room temperature, especially for...
03 March 2019 3,939 11 View
Why should we care about axions which were not found in connection with dark matter? They are just hypothetical particles.
03 March 2019 6,069 4 View
Sub voxel volumetric analysis will help us in real time analysis of subatomic particles
03 March 2019 545 2 View
Can other control fields, such as electric and acoustic also play a role in particle control?
03 March 2019 2,578 2 View
Single particle doesn't have a temperature. why?
03 March 2019 6,354 3 View
What is the behavior of God Particle’s that supports our understanding of physics?
03 March 2019 7,199 1 View
I mean they have different mathematical formulations and mechanisms. How one can integrate their mathematical structure to increase their performace .For example; you can take PSO (particle swarm...
03 March 2019 8,364 5 View
We are going to work with Ortec silicon surface barrier detectors for charged particle spectroscopy and we wonder whether gamma sources can be used for testing the detectors and possibly for...
03 March 2019 5,002 3 View
In the application of PSO for OPF, I have few queries regarding handling of equality/inequality constraints. What I have learned so far is: 1. Constraints which are based on dependent variables...
03 March 2019 10,051 2 View
Could the permeability of ozone layer to high energy cosmic particles provide an indication of the depletion or healing of the ozone layer?
03 March 2019 7,136 2 View