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Questions related to Particle Physics
In general, particle physicists do not care as they usually work in units c=h_bar=G_N=1, but some physicists believe that the time variation of these constant makes sense. P. Davies at al., Nature...
28 July 2014 5,618 11 View
When using propagators and potentials (like the Yukawa one), time is not explicit. Should we use different forms of the propagators and the potentials in a 4d spacetime with time being a 'regular'...
07 July 2014 2,649 25 View
While the classical, wavelike behavior of light interference and diffraction has been easily observed in undergraduate laboratories for many years, explicit observation of the quantum nature of...
07 July 2014 2,472 4 View
We have begun a discussion about what dark energy tells us about our universe at the link provided. We hope that it will end with a better understanding of the inner working of our...
07 July 2014 5,377 5 View
07 July 2014 6,187 12 View
Nature of dark energy is unknown. It is a form of energy causing expansion of universe. Satellite based experiments such as Planck has estimated that 68.3 % of total matter and energy is in the...
10 June 2014 2,405 27 View
06 June 2014 4,214 28 View
A tachyon or tachyonic particle is a hypothetical massive particle that always moves faster than light. The complementary particle types are called luxon (always moving at the speed of light) and...
29 May 2014 3,295 6 View
The origin of structure in the universe is one of the greatest cosmological mysteries even today. Extended topological objects such as monopoles, strings and domain walls may play a fundamental...
28 May 2014 7,388 3 View
When delta T/T is plotted against angular separations between points we see several peaks in the plot. The first one is most prominent one is between l value 200-300, or in terms of angular scales...
17 May 2014 8,531 16 View
Photons are traditionally said to be massless. This is a figure of speech that physicists use to describe something about how a photon's particle-like properties are described by the language of...
15 May 2014 8,264 34 View
The question has following implications 1) What does the term anisotropy mean ? 2) Because universe is homogeneous and isotropic in general how does one expect anisotropies ? 3) Is it a...
05 May 2014 7,209 4 View
I cannot find any information in the help or network.
05 May 2014 9,879 0 View
05 May 2014 2,155 17 View
Rapidity distribution.
05 May 2014 4,340 2 View
Some say the standard model is stable by the Planck scale, some others claim we must have new physics at the TeV scale, and some claim we need axions (and what else?). What is the minimum number...
05 May 2014 6,186 13 View
I can do all the steps deriving the trace anomaly and chiral anomaly. I also have read through work on anomalies in QM. But I still feel none the wiser physically - as if the anomalies are just...
05 May 2014 7,108 6 View
It is said that tensor perturbations in FRW metric satisfies some wave equations. And the solutions of those wave equations are called gravity waves. My confusion is why the word "gravity" comes...
05 May 2014 486 11 View
The Higgs boson or Higgs particle is an elementary particle initially theorised in 1964,whose discovery was announced at CERN on 4 July 2012. The discovery confirms the existence of the Higgs...
04 May 2014 4,079 6 View
I recently found a publication that states extruded nanoparticles of roughly 120nm with +/- 1.21nm. This converts to a PDI of roughly 0.00011. Is this reliable? Or even possible?
29 April 2014 1,850 3 View
Giant resonances are collective excited states, high energy and small amplitute
15 April 2014 2,950 3 View
A 7 keV sterile neutrino is a good candidate for warm dark matter. What are the feynman diagrams by which a 7 keV sterile neutrino can be produced? What are the decay channels? By which diagram...
11 April 2014 5,865 3 View
04 April 2014 3,342 4 View
04 April 2014 7,552 4 View