We have begun a discussion about what dark energy tells us about our universe at the link provided. We hope that it will end with a better understanding of the inner working of our universe.

“Recently there have been many observations that are extremely difficult to integrate into the currently accepted theoretical models.

Particularly the force called Dark Energy has eluded any attempt make it a part of the "The Standard Model of Particle Physics" one of the most successful theories ever created. 

However what makes this even more troubling is that the Standard model is based on two other very successful theories, that of Einstein General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Field Theory.

Therefore if, despite continued efforts to developed a theoretical understanding of Dark Energy in terms of these theories we still cannot succeed, should we assume that, due to how interconnected these theories are we must discard them and look in a new direction.

Not necessarily because we may be able to understand its causality in terms of our current theories if instead of trying to make Dark Energy conform to them we allow its observed properties to guide us to a more complete understanding their validly”


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