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Questions related to Neuroanatomy
I'm looking for anatomical changes in parietal and occipital cortices in patients with MDD, but there isn't a lot of literature about it.
01 January 2015 4,351 3 View
It is said that dendritic spines can naturally occur among primary mouse neurons and their density or morphology can be thoroughly assayed. So can anybody provide any information? At the moment we...
01 January 2015 6,991 6 View
We are looking for somebody who is able to isolate the sympathetic trunk (chain) from mouse or rat and is willing to give us a privat lesson. We'll bring the cake you the know how. cheers
01 January 2015 6,110 1 View
I am confused with the score for body symmetry and Whisker response. By the way, I use intraluminal MACo as a model and do it on left MCA. About the body symmetry score 2- Moderate asymmetry:...
01 January 2015 3,380 1 View
Additionally, I find varicosities in some neurons. I am puzzled as to what they amount to?
30 December 2014 4,079 14 View
I am interested in sagittally representing rat brain structure, I was woundering if there were brain atlases for that. Please let me know if there are any?
30 December 2014 7,456 4 View
We are writing up on discussions for a paper. I was quite unsuccessful to find the actual sizes of these neurons (range). Can anyone with significant expertise suggest what the sizes are of these...
12 December 2014 2,136 3 View
12 December 2014 10,112 15 View
12 December 2014 2,287 5 View
I'm searching for brainstem atlas, especially Nifti format one. I've already checked MNI-ICBM and SUIT. Anyone knows more detail ones?
12 December 2014 5,722 2 View
I am performing patch-clamp recordings of cells from red nucleus in slice preparations. I tried both horizontal and coronal slices but I still encounter troubles with optical visualization. I can...
12 December 2014 5,325 4 View
How does brain sense teh temperature through scalp? Any ruote map? From skin, we have fibres running from skin through spinal cord and to brain reaching somatosensory cortex. Is it same when...
12 December 2014 6,138 4 View
12 December 2014 5,349 2 View
05 December 2014 9,579 3 View
Hi. I am planning on doing unbiased counting of TH positive neurons in the substantia nigra region in our animal model. I would like to know if there are any good software out there to do unbiased...
21 November 2014 806 7 View
11 November 2014 225 8 View
Hi there, We are interested in getting in situ hybridisation up and running in our lab for looking at bits of brain and spinal cord. We are currently trying to decide if we should invest in the...
09 September 2014 8,649 11 View
CHALLENGE to my Neuroscience, Neurophysiology, Neuroanatomy, Neuroengineering friends: I am looking for some papers that quantify the spinal subarachnoid space geometry in primates using MRI or...
08 August 2014 1,079 4 View
Hello, We are injecting tracer into the mouse brain using a picospritzer. Our target region is the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis which is in close proximity to the lateral ventricles. My...
08 August 2014 1,164 18 View
In pfa-fixed 70um thick sections, I have neurobiotin-filled cells (spiny, pyramidal-like morphology), mostly in the presubiculum, for which I would like to confirm that they are glutamatergic...
07 July 2014 8,556 1 View
What other markers for visualising barreloids in the thalamus and barrelettes in the trigeminal complex would you recommend besides Cytochrome oxidase, VGLUT, Nissl? Also, does anyone have a...
06 June 2014 6,289 2 View
We are mounting brain sections (20 microns) straight from cryostat to subbed slides. I was wondering if there was a good method out there for extracting bubbles that sometimes get under the mounts?
06 June 2014 8,173 8 View
Today, we processed tissue from our first GFAP-EGFP mouse (on a C57B6 background). Tissue was fixed with 4% PFA and imaged using a 1.4NA 63x oil immersion lens. We compared this side by side with...
06 June 2014 950 4 View
there are many types of interneuron especially in dentate gyrus. On the other hand astrocyte and pre and postsynaptic neurons are also existence. I think there is a relationship between all of...
06 June 2014 10,064 2 View