
For my master thesis I am exploring the effects of different types stereotype activation (i.e., stereotype reactance, stereotype threat and no stereotype activation) on negotiation performance. Based on the literature, I believe that the communication style (i.e., flirtatious and non-fliratious) of the confederate might moderate the effect of stereotype activation on negotiation.

What I have done so far is dummy coded both the predictor variable (no stereotype activation = 0) and the moderator variable (non-flliratious communication = 0). Additionally, I computed two new interaction term variables with dummy variable stereotype reactance * dummy variable flirtatious and dummy variable stereotyp threat * dummy variable flirtatious. But I am not sture what I have to do next. I've tried the regular Linear Regression test in SPSS, I placed both dummy variables of stereotype activation and the dummy variable of communication style in the first model. Then added the interaction term variables in the second model.

I've also tried the Hayes' process moderation test. I conducted two seperate test because it doesn't allow you to insert multiple IV's. But not sure if this is the right way to go.

Could anybody explain to me how to conduct a moderation analysis with both the predictor and moderator as categorical variables? Or am I on the right path? If so, what do I do next?

Thank you very much!


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