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Questions related to Children
For example, through a tendency towards less consistent response behavior that cannot be attributed to the consistency of the scale?
09 November 2023 4,986 3 View
Many clinical trialists integrate qualitative and/or mixed methods research as part of their clinical trial projects. Could you please share your experiences and thoughts on the challenges in...
08 November 2023 3,031 2 View
I'm doing a literature comparison between the adverb "tout"in french and "都du"in chinese
28 October 2023 653 2 View
Hi Everyone, Does anyone have a good tool/ picture/ etc. that you use to teach someone how to read and use a stereotaxic vernier scale? I can't seem to find a good example anywhere! Thanks Liz
25 October 2023 8,508 4 View
What kind of agriculture should be developed to save humanity from a food crisis and strategies used for preventing food insecurity?
20 October 2023 922 6 View
shade more light on how gender equality and equity affect one’s personal life according to Islam and the western world, and also how it affects the community and the way it’s viewed by the Qur’an,...
20 October 2023 3,795 0 View
To assume that intercourse is the basis expression of female sexuality, during which women should orgasm, and then to analyze women’s ‘responses’ to intercourse – is to look at the issue...
04 October 2023 4,048 0 View
Any province in the country but the research focus is western cape but would like to know what others are experiencing from other countries.
07 September 2023 9,210 1 View
why references in Arabic aren't cited in ResearchGate such as references in English?
02 September 2023 1,683 0 View
if one is looking at naming practices on social media networks: A comparative study between WhatsApp and LinkedIn, how does one go about it? your intellectual input is welcomed.
02 September 2023 6,433 3 View
I am wondering if anyone has studied the relationship between human rights impact assessments and/or free, prior and informed consent processes and company-community conflict. In other words, has...
01 September 2023 870 1 View
In my opinion some publications like review articles and meta analysis do not need to present an ethical clearance certificate to be published. I am asking about articles using patient data from...
31 August 2023 4,365 5 View
Hello I am working on brain injury simulation in LS Dyna software. And the problem I have is that when the skull collides with the rigid wall, the skull does not deform and passes through the...
30 August 2023 5,958 2 View
How the air is circulated from the poles to the equator and what happens to air moving from the South Pole towards the equator and why?
29 August 2023 6,054 0 View
How do divergence and convergence each affect wind speed and difference between convergence and divergence in geography?
23 August 2023 5,678 3 View
What type of growth causes plants to lean or grow at angles and what causes plants to move towards light and roots to grow downwards in soil?
22 August 2023 7,153 5 View
lead generation strategy
22 August 2023 6,291 2 View
What role does prosody play in conveying meaning and nuance in spoken language? Could you provide examples of how changes in intonation, rhythm, and stress can alter the interpretation of a...
21 August 2023 5,286 6 View
How could generative artificial intelligence affect self-regulated learning?
18 August 2023 2,074 3 View
Hi everyone, I'm wondering if there are tests to measure the learners' explicit productive knowledge in the field of SLA, focusing on the grammatical aspect. I'm aware of some tests to measure...
16 August 2023 577 3 View
I'm Afrikaans, my wife is German, and we both speak English fluently. Here are our family's language contacts: Afrikaans: My native language and our main language at home and with family. Our son...
15 August 2023 5,093 3 View
How can new technology lead to a change in supply and how to improve management of supply chain by information technology?
14 August 2023 9,805 0 View
Dear EFL teachers at the world over Would you please share this link with your undergraduate EFL/ESL? Thank you in advance. Wagdi.
14 August 2023 2,713 0 View
In an MRI, by size lateral ventricles and areas around might have taken more attention. My question above gives a notice to all smaller spaces CSF passes around. This way of consideration of CSF...
13 August 2023 2,845 6 View