Application of signal processing techniques on biomedical signals | Contact experts in Biomedical Signal Processing to get answers
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Questions related to Biomedical Signal Processing
Fellow colleagues, I am looking for your feedback on the Eventogram Transform.
10 October 2016 772 2 View
Fellow colleagues, I am looking for your feedback on the Biomedical Signal Analysis Framework.
10 October 2016 503 1 View
I'm going to design an innovative theranostics device to be used in biomedical sector. I need that the system should be connected in Internet in order to be remote controlled. Can anyone suggest...
25 September 2016 7,489 10 View
What I noticed from the literature is that for automated heartbeat classification ECG segmentation is an essential pre-processing step. However, I wonder that they are fixing the same beat length...
20 September 2016 5,661 4 View
Multiple sclerosis(MS) is demyelinating disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged . In some cases we use FES ( functional electrical...
18 September 2016 7,578 3 View
Hi. As we know by stimulating special cells, doctors and scientists are able to transfer different senses such as pain to patients. Now the question is: "Is it possible to import specific data...
18 September 2016 8,203 9 View
How does deep brain stimulation effect on controling movement symptoms? Who is suitable for it?
09 September 2016 6,985 2 View
In each state of life we have different behaviour but some people can easily hide that . Is there any solution to detect the moods of human with EEG signal because of Non-hidden Characteristic ?
09 September 2016 4,441 5 View
09 September 2016 6,608 4 View
biomedical signal processing experts
09 September 2016 4,709 1 View
Is it possible to do feature normalization with respective to class. EX: 10x10 data matrix with two class. Each class of size 5x5. Now normalize 25 features of class 1 and 25 features of class 2...
09 September 2016 1,867 5 View
My problem consists of Data matrix with size 1000x12. 12 features with 1000 examples. It is a 4 class problem.Now my question is how to perform feature normalization. I assume some ways (listed...
09 September 2016 6,920 9 View
I am not professional about compressed sensing (CS). I know CS can reconstruct the texture of the original image from highly undersampled data if some conditions are met. However, I have no clue...
09 September 2016 817 2 View
Does the selection of time delay τ values for computing measures that consider this parameter should depend on the sampling rate of the signal that is being analyzed with those measures?
06 September 2016 6,649 5 View
06 September 2016 3,064 2 View
i would prefer to have a automatic or semi-automatic (control point based) registration of CT - US
26 August 2016 3,961 3 View
I'm currently collecting a large amount of blood flow data with the use of a Perimed Laser Doppler rig. The recording is pretty simple )15 minutes recorded baseline, 2 minutes occlusion, 7...
08 August 2016 2,876 5 View
Hi, I'm currently trying to estimate spectral coherence between two signals recorded from the same channel in two different conditions. This is fine when applying this to an individual subject,...
08 August 2016 1,363 5 View
ECG feature extraction algorithm for mobile healthcare applications.
08 August 2016 5,403 4 View
How far these images can be used for identifying cancer?
24 July 2016 8,591 1 View
Are there any metrics to compare the robustness of 2 features for an image? I need to compare and choose which feature vector would be apt for my spine image dataset.
07 July 2016 4,327 10 View
Hello Friends: I'm sending out a general call for your help in deciding on a thesis topic for my MS degree. I had an MSEE and had worked as an electronics engineer for 20 years (in US Defense,...
07 July 2016 7,083 7 View
My work concerns filtering the event-related potentials (ERP), and I wanted to know what are the methods I could use to estimate the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the real data before and after...
06 June 2016 9,677 7 View
In order to test any event detection algorithm, it is common practice to compute a confusion matrix, in order to get performance parameters (e.g. sensitivity, and specificity). It is well known...
06 June 2016 7,123 1 View