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Questions related to Algorithms
I am looking for codec algorithms for compressing video like in youtube when upload video.
10 October 2016 494 2 View
Dear all, I am working on optimization algorithms for their efficiency/inefficiency. These algorithms involve: 1. Gradient based methods: Variable Metric method, BFGS. 2. Derivative Free Methods:...
10 October 2016 969 6 View
My project aims to make new algorithms to achieve system more balanced
10 October 2016 1,057 3 View
I want to compare these methods using matlab. So what can be the criteria for calculating the best method, although different methods are useful as per the applications. Can I use the the...
10 October 2016 4,756 13 View
Hi, I would like to investigate the possible clustering / data mining algorithms that can deployed in IOT applications. I have two general questions about IOT: 1- Are there exists clustering-based...
10 October 2016 7,024 4 View
There are very few working prototypes of a quantum computer. So most of the performance evaluation would be theoretical. How is this done and are there any simulators which could be used in this...
10 October 2016 7,330 3 View
how to solve simultaneous nonlinear equation in fortran ?? Algorithm
10 October 2016 2,978 0 View
i need a complete answer
10 October 2016 5,296 0 View
Algorithms that are used for traffic analysis in cognitive networks.
10 October 2016 6,900 3 View
Can anybody please tell me difference in algorithms of full-way bounce back and half-way bounce back boundary conditions in LBM. I want to study their effect of convergence. Thanks in Advance!
10 October 2016 566 3 View
I have two image classes, one is positive class images and other is negative class images. Positive class is the image regions of target object, whereas negative class is non target images. As a...
10 October 2016 520 10 View
Is there an algorithm to find the Lengths of period of continued fraction sqrt((an)^2+4a)) whith a,n are odd integer.And can we find the continued fraction of the previous number.
10 October 2016 4,315 3 View
I want to find a suitable algorithm to solve the travelling salesman problem...but the algorithm must irrelevant to the evolutionary algorithms which mean not belongs to evolutionary algorithms...
10 October 2016 9,461 8 View
04 October 2016 1,092 2 View
I have been trying to implement BSA in Python and looks like the algorithm is pretty confusing. Has anyone implemented this algorithm? Any language. The paper can be found here...
19 September 2016 8,183 6 View
I want to access the information in a given CT section data by the help of Matlab, and to find the nodal coordinates of one ligament (Ligaments are assumed as truss elements). How can I do this job?
09 September 2016 7,820 2 View
I am more interested in algorithm complexity and implementation.
09 September 2016 614 0 View
For simplicity we can assume the optimization problem to be a convex programme.
09 September 2016 1,745 0 View
I wish to know whether it is ok to have a comparably large positive Lyapunov exponents for a hyperchaotic system. I am working on a system which gives me LEs in the order like this : 19.4456,...
09 September 2016 4,851 3 View
I try to develop segmentation method for eyes from Infrared thermography image I dont know what is the most suitable method or algorithm for this purpose, any ideas , article Thank you in advance
09 September 2016 1,564 6 View
Is there any significant difference between algorithm and approach? For example, what would be the difference between recommendation approach and recommendation algorithm OR between ranking...
09 September 2016 4,865 1 View
I developed an algorithm for calculating datumed wavefield by second order central difference finite differerence wavefield extrapolation of seismic data. Can anyone assist in preparing the codes...
09 September 2016 2,608 3 View
like Back & Forward Sweep or always use Newton-Raphson for all kinds of networks?
09 September 2016 6,460 0 View
Could someone suggest methods/algorithms to solve a system like y' = My + f where M is a huge matrix? Most explicit methods (like usual RK4) require very tiny timesteps for stiff systems, implicit...
09 September 2016 6,149 4 View